Chapter 44: Mclovin'

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"Not a chance." I conveyed, there's no way in hell I'm putting her down. Once we walk into that house I'm pretty sure someone will try and talk to her, thus ruining my perfect opportunity of some alone time for us. This has been a long time in the making, I think I've been patient enough! There's no chance I'm waiting any longer, unless of course Lise doesn't feel comfortable with it. If that's the case I'll wait forever, but I'm hoping it's not. I was holding her body pressed tightly to my shoulder with my right hand, so naturally I used my left hand to place it over her deliciously round bottom safely securing the shirt in place. This considerate gesture of mine caused her to gasp in outrage, which was followed by a series of punches to my back by her tiny fists.

"If you don't get your hand off my butt Mr. Evans there'll be hell to pay!" Lise threatened breathlessly as she continued beating on me. Finding it extremely funny that she thinks she's actually hurting me with her love taps, I let out a hearty chuckle.

"Ok, if you say so Princess." I answered smacking her playfully on the ass before taking my hand away from the shirt and moving it down to hold the back of her calves. A sudden gust of wind blew just as I made it towards the back door of the house causing the shirt to lift up and expose her a bit.

Breathing out a cry of humiliation, Lise shouted in defeat. "Ok...ok, put your hand back where it was, please!"

"What was that you said baby?" I stopped walking and asked curiously. Feigning as though I didn't hear what Lise said the first time. I loved teasing her, she gets so riled up! It's too damn cute.

Huffing and puffing a whole lot before finally giving in and repeating herself, Lise grumbled. "I said please put your hand back where it was."

"I thought you'd never ask." I answered with mock surprise as my hand found it's way right back to the same spot, just right below her cheeks...butt cheeks that is.

Shoving my way through the sea of people gathered within the house with Lise in my arms, I couldn't care less if we were being stared at like a bunch of weirdoes. I mean I wasn't being rude about making my way through the crowd, I offered a few 'excuse us' and 'pardon me's' along the way.

"Woohoo go and get your freak on!" Anya exclaimed immaturely causing laughter to erupt from a few people.

"It's about damn time!" Luke called out over his shoulder from where he was sitting next to Anya stuffing their faces...damn hogs! No wonder why they're so perfect for one another, its like they're almost the same person!

My Mom, Dad, and Alpha Perez were standing off to one side discussing something when they heard the taunts. Stopping their conversation they began staring at us with a proud gleam in their eyes. Lord, can this get any more humiliating? Why don't we televise this announcement so that it can be broadcast to the whole world?

'Don't make eye contact with anyone' I thought as I bulldozed through the crowded kitchen and finally reached the steps. I placed Lise down on her feet and picked her up bridal style instead. I'm sure she's had enough blood rushing to her head, I don't want her to pass out of me now!

", how embarrassing!" Lise groused in a hushed whisper. "I'm going to kill her!" My mate's face turned scarlet red in humiliation.

"Ignore them, they're just teasing." I advised, shutting the door to Luke's and my room with my foot. Walking over to my bed I placed Lise down on it before walking over to lock the door.

Knowing Anya and Luke they'll try and bust in here to try and watch or something, bunch of freaks! Either that or they'll stand in the doorway and make childish noises. As I approached my beautiful mate who was sprawled out on the comforter with the most timid look on her face, I couldn't help but think this is it... The Moment of truth, when I finally get to make her completely and thoroughly mine forever. This time I'll make sure there's nothing stopping or distracting us.

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