Chapter 1: No Longer Invisible (Picture of Annalise)

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If I had to name a time when I had a life altering experience, there would only be one that comes to mind. I could describe the events as though it happened just yesterday. As a matter of fact, it was yesterday. It was during the summer after tenth grade to be exact. I was sitting outside on the porch swing rocking back and forth while reading The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain.

One of the joyous mandatory summer reading requirements before twelfth grade. Yes, I know you're probably wondering why I'm reading something for twelfth grade when I just finished tenth? Well maybe it's because at the request of my parents, the school tested me. Seems that not only am I way ahead of my fellow tenth graders, I also surpassed the eleventh graders causing them to skip me ahead an entire year.

At sixteen years old, I'll be a senior in High School, how fortunate. Anyway, luckily I'm a nerd so I enjoy reading; it helps me escape my boring nonexistent social life. I spent a majority of the summer away at camp just arriving back home this morning. There's only about a week left of summer before school starts up again, I'm not looking forward to it.

Roughly it was around seven in the evening, we just finished eating dinner. It was still light out; the sky painted a beautiful orange haze. My parents were inside watching television enjoying the central air, while I was sitting outside in the sweltering heat. Not that I'm complaining, I love this type of weather. We've been experiencing a heat wave for the past week, with temperatures in the hundreds.

The neighborhood bustled with life and activity as kids were out bike riding and playing tag. The teens were just hanging out around our little cul-de-sac.

"Honey, be a doll and walk these next door to the Evans' will you?" Mom asked, poking her head out the front door.

She thrust a plate of chocolate chip cookies into my lap and shut the door quickly as to not let any precious cold air escape. I rolled my eyes as I breathed out a sigh, shoving the bookmark in to hold my page, I placed the book on the swing and got up. Trudging my way down the porch steps, I made my way over to the Evans'.

Mom is a really close friend of Mrs. Evans seeing how they are in the same cooking club. They always share recipes and baked goods with one another. We've lived next door to the Evans all my life. It's Mr. and Mrs. Evans and their son Tristan, who just so happens to be two years older than I am. He's eighteen and will also be a senior in high school.

I rang the doorbell once and waited patiently for someone to answer. After a couple minutes and no response I rang it again and again, this time tapping my foot impatiently on the step. Alrighty then, I guess nobody's home considering the fact that I've been standing out here for the past five minutes looking like an idiot.

The chocolate chips in the cookies are probably melted. Oh well, guess this means more cookies for me, yum!

"No way man. I was already within the goal!" A male voice shouted loudly. "I totally scored."

"Nah, you were out." Another deep male voice commented. This voice sent chills up my spine, there was a bit of familiarity to it. Hmm, seems as though it came from the back of the house. I drifted towards the backyard and peeked through the gaps of the picket fence. I watched six shirtless guys running around playing a game of flag football; Tristan included.

It was at that exact moment I realized just how hot my next door neighbor is. Why haven't I noticed this before? Have I been living under a rock? Just watching the way each and every one of his muscles flexed as he ran made me shiver with delight. The way his sterling gray eyes shined with happiness and his short spiky brown hair was full of sweat, shouldn't have turned me on the way it was. We don't really speak to one another...ever. You wouldn't actually say we were both on the same spectrum of the social ladder. Tristan is Mr. Popularity, athletic, well-liked, good looking, and full of jokes. He's captain of the soccer team, hence the reason for the Greek god-like body.

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