Chapter 25: Slumber Party

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What do you possibly say to two adorably cute guys standing on your doorstep hugging onto two sleeping bags with grins wider than a Cheshire cat? Go away? Scram, get out of here? I had no idea what else to do, it would be so wrong of me to tell them to go away and slam the door on them. My heart wouldn't be able to handle the distraught looks on their faces if I said this was meant to just be the three of us hanging out for Troy's birthday. So I did the only logical thing and invited them in.

"Come in?" I asked with a slight grimace, a bit unsure of what I was doing and whether or not this would turn out to be a good idea. Of course I planned on asking Troy if it was ok with him that the guys crash his birthday get together. After all, this is 'his' weekend. "Thought you guys had pack stuff to take care of?" I inquired curiously, remembering that Tristan told me he'd be busy tonight.

Shaking his head, Tristan answered leaning over to peck me on the lips. "Dad was able to wrap things up in under an hour."

"Mm, I'm starving is that pizza I smell?" Luke asked with wide eyes while running his hand over his flat belly.

"Yea, the pizza just got here. There's plenty in the kitchen." I announced basically telling the two to go help themselves.

"Hey Lise, who was at the..." Troy began as he walked through the living room towards the foyer. "Door." He finished after spotting Luke and Tristan at my side. Troy didn't seem delighted, but he still plastered on a friendly smile and greeted the guys with a handshake. "Hey guys how's it going?" It wasn't a prim and proper type of handshake, but more like the manly lean my body towards you while I grab a hold of your hand type of greeting.

"Hey, what's up." They both greeted. Gee, you'd think they'd at least try and make their voices sound the least bit happy to see him. "Happy Birthday man." Tristan added.

"Thanks, but technically my birthday's not till tomorrow." Troy corrected with a laugh. "You guys hungry?"

"Uh, yea why don't you two go eat." I suggested tilting my head sideways towards the kitchen. "I want to talk to Troy for a sec." This will be my opportunity to get Troy alone and ask him if he minds these two stalkers joining in on our fun.

Tristan looked at me like I just asked him to help me kidnap the President. He quirked an eyebrow up at me while he placed his sleeping bag onto the ground. Luke didn't have to be told twice as he began making his way to the kitchen to stuff his face. Crossing my arms over my chest, I pursed my lips and gave him a 'well, what are you waiting for' glare.

Standing there for another full minute, before rolling his eyes Tristan finally decided he wasn't going to win this one with me. He stomped away to the kitchen unhappily, glancing wearily at me over his shoulder. What exactly does he think I'm going to do with Troy?

"Sorry." I mumbled to Troy sheepishly. "I swear I didn't invite them over." I cried holding my hands up defensively. "I know that this is totally your birthday weekend and you can say no if you want to. I swear I won't be upset and neither with Anya." I rambled on and on before Troy stepped towards me and grabbed a hold of my upper arms giving me a slight shake.

"Breathe." Troy ordered and I suddenly inhaled a deep breath. "It's fine with me if they want to hang out with us." He answered giving me a sincere smile.

"Are you sure?" I questioned searching his face for any sign that he was lying to me. After four summers at camp together, I can thankfully say I know Troy well enough to know if he's lying.

"Positive." He nodded grabbing me into a hug. "I promise I don't mind at all." See, I told you Troy's a great guy! I'll have to quiz Tristan and dig deeper to find out the root of all the hatred between them. It can't all possibly stem from one simple soccer game, can it? There has to be a reason deeper then that. Tristan's far from egotistical to let something that petty get in the way of his judgment.

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