Chapter 11: Acceptance

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Tristan's POV

Driving around town aimlessly, I stared straight ahead at the road in front of me. Dad's probably furious after getting the call from the attendance office that I no-showed for school. Oh well, that's the least of my worries right now. The only thing plaguing my mind is the fact that she's terrified of me.

She's avoiding me. I tried to check on her last night, but her Mom told me she was asleep. Then I waited for her this morning to give her a ride to school, only to find out she's not going. Bashing my closed fist down onto the top of my steering wheel in anger, I was surprised when it didn't break. I shook my head in disbelief as sorrow filled my heart.

I can't believe I allowed something like this to happen. I'm the future Alpha for crying out loud. I should have been more alert. Things shouldn't have gotten that bad so quickly. Worst of all I should have been able to protect Lise better than I did. I feel like an utter and complete failure.

What was I thinking when I shoved her in the back and expected her to run all the way home? Was I expecting her to fend for herself in the woods? What if there were other wolves, what an idiot.

You would think my Dad would have included me in on the 'new' family that they allowed to move into our territory. Considering I was forced to go away with him on business matters on Monday and Tuesday. But no, I was left to keep Jewel occupied. Who cares if the meeting was held at her house? What the hell do I look like, some sort of a babysitter? Does it look like I care that my Dad's Beta is Jewel's father?

A new family moved into our territory, a couple and their four children. Their old pack was attacked and killed by a group of rogues. The two wolves I ran into are the two eldest sons. Being on high alert, they mistook me for a rogue trying to harm a human. Once I shifted, they immediately submitted, recognizing me as the future Alpha.

There will be no consequences or punishment towards them considering they're new to the pack. I wasn't angry with them; it's excusable, with all they've been through recently. The sound of Lise's nightmarish scream echoed over and over again in my head. I told her to run and under no circumstances to turn around.

What did she do? She turned around and witnessed first hand what I truly am. I'm so stupid I shouldn't have brought her out there. I should've given it more time before trying to explain. It's just that I wanted to tell her already. I want her to know every single thing about me. I needed reassurance that even after knowing it all, she'll still want to be with me.

That's where my downfall is, trying to get her acceptance way too quickly. Things like these take time; it's my entire fault for being an impatient jerk. I'm going out my mind not knowing if she's ok. I text Luke, begging him to ask Anya for Lise's number.

Knowing Anya, she'll do anything Luke asked of her. I can't believe the irony that my best friend's mate just so happens to be Lise's best friend. In a way, maybe it'll help her accept the news better. Having Anya there to help her ease into the transition of a life change. One day Luke's going to be my Beta and a damn great one at that.

He's my voice of reasoning, always able to talk me out of doing something stupid. Luke's going about this thing the right way. Getting Anya to fall for him before he breaks the news to her. It doesn't seem like he'll have much more to go. The two of them are smitten with one another.

My hand was shaking slightly as I held onto my phone reading the text back from Luke. The text that included Lise's cell number, which I quickly saved to my contacts. I pulled into the nearest parking lot of a strip mall, knowing I wouldn't be able to concentrate on driving and speak to her at the same time. My nerves were a bundled mess, I just hope she picked up. Not only did she answer, but also she wanted me to come over. Was it because she needed to see me just as much as I needed her?

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