Chapter 43: Blessing

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Lise's POV

'Whoa, what the hell was that?' Experiencing what wolves call the 'first shift' was the most excruciating thing I've ever had to go through in my entire life! No words of advice could prepare you for the amount of physical suffering you have to endure when your bones fuse together and your body contorts in ways you never thought possible. If I had to explain it in better words, it's as if fire is pumping through your veins instead of blood and as though someone just got done pouring acid all over you.

Holy crap that was worse then getting burned by a curling iron while getting a thousand papercuts at the same time. We all know how much stinking papercuts hurt! One minute I'm standing there pleading for someone to stop these two nitwits from killing one another and the next thing I remembered was hearing Tristan yelp in pain.

Something inside me snapped, just the thought of him being hurt caused the flame to ignite. I wanted to beat the crap out of both of these Neanderthals for thinking violence always solves everything! I'm a person for goodness sakes not some sort of possession that they could fight over. I understand Tristan was only trying to defend my honor, but come on don't they get tired of battling everything out?

Can't we all just get along? Sit down like a bunch of reasonable people over a nice hot cup of tea and verbalize our disagreements? Nah, didn't think so. I'm one to speak with the way I tackled Jewel at the pack meeting. Feeling an awful lot like Bambi, I tried to stand up on all fours. I can't even manage to balance on two feet now I have to trot around on fours? Oh god! What if I stay this way forever? What if I don't know how to shift back?

There's no way I'm living in wolf form for the rest of my life. I enjoy all the perks of being a human like having thumbs, being able to use toilet paper when I go to the bathroom, taking a shower and smelling fresh, and most of all I love my food. Staying in wolf form means I have to poo and pee outside, ew gross! I won't smell too fresh either unless Tristan shifts back to human and washes me with soap and water!

Shaking my head to dispel all the crazy thoughts in my mind and refocus on the main task at hand, I turned my attention to the two wolves staring at me in wonder. I put one paw in front of the other testing out my balance before breaking out into a full sprint. Getting in between them I began bouncing up and down and barking like a mad woman showing them how angry I was.

In my mind what I was yapping about completely made sense to me, hopefully they'll understand what I'm trying to convey. 'You idiots, what are you two crazy! Hasn't there been enough death around here, yet you both have a death wish by challenging each other? I'm not some toy you can fight over!' Lowering my head I charged into Marco shouldering him, 'And you, just who the hell do you think you are taking a bite out of my mate' I growled lowly.

Of course, he wasn't moving anywhere because he's so much bigger then me, but it's the principle that counts! Not getting the desired effect of fear that I hoped to receive from him I turned my muzzle and bit him on what I assumed to be his ankle or maybe it was a wrist...who knows, who cares. I bit down hard enough to produce a small yelp of pain as Marco pulled his paw away out of reach from my teeth, while he retreated a few steps backwards.

I could hear a few chuckles before Rico's voice filled my head. I glanced over at him, but his lips weren't moving. 'They don't understand a word you're saying sis.' Rico's voice said. What is this? Why can I hear his thoughts, have I gone crazy?

'No you're not crazy Analia, you were welcomed into the pack as the Manzanares Princess. You have a mind link with myself, Rico, and Alonso because we're family.' My father's voice answered. 'As soon as you accept the pack as your own, you'll be able to communicate with all of them.'

At hearing this, I instantly shut my mouth and stopped yipping. Wow, don't I feel like a total moron, shush it! So what if I thought wolves speak to one another in their own barks, laugh all you want now. How was I supposed to know there's no secret wolf language, I'm no wolf expert here.

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