Chapter 21: Challenge

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Tristan's POV

Sitting on Lise's sofa next to Luke, I know for a fact that we're both fuming mad. I'm sure if were possible, steam would be coming out both of our ears. That's how pissed off we are. Out of all the people in the entire world, our mates have to be friends, best friends...with our sworn enemy? What type of crap luck is that?

Who the hell is he trying to fool? I know who the 'real' Troy is and I was going try my damn hardest to keep his ass away from our mates. Luke and Troy's Beta Andre have just about as much hate for each other as Troy and I do. What can I say? Guess we have a competitive streak in all of us.

The only damn reason why they won the championship game was because they were losing and figured the only way they would win was to play dirty. All the guys on their teams began bumping or tripping our players roughly. Any spectator would have thought we were playing a game of hockey with all of the violence.

They managed to injure three of our guys, one ending up with a broken arm. So, yea I guess you can see why I hate him so bad. As the captain of a team you lead by example, something which he obviously wasn't used to doing. Nor was he stopping his teammates from doing what they thought was ok.

So no, I have no respect for the guy sitting across from me, none what-so-ever. When I smelled him back at the lounge I turned around ready give him a dirty look, instead I found our mates embracing him lovingly. Luke and I completely forgot about the girl's sodas, instead we wanted to tear him to shreds for stepping within spitting distance of Lise and Anya.

All I recall is losing my temper after the jerk off had the nerve to shove me. When we were through fighting I turned around to grab Lise's hand and suggest we go somewhere else, but they were gone. I can't even explain the panic and turmoil my wolf went through at the loss of his mate. All that kept plaguing my mind was 'what if she's hurt'?

Luke was the one that had his mind right, he asked Ryan if he saw where the girls went. Ryan notified us that Bishop took them home. That's how we ended up practically breaking Lise's front door off it's hinges. We needed to see the girls to assure their safety. Even with that green glob all over her face, she looked radiant. Her no nonsense attitude told me she was pissed at me for what I allowed to happen.

"So..." Andre's voice broke my thought process. "Any idea where you're going with the girls for your birthday next weekend." The tone in his voice was sarcastic like he was trying to rub things in. He better not be talking about our girls, I thought as I glanced over at Luke who seemed to perk up at the same thought.

"Nah, not yet. They wanted to surprise me." Troy answered like he was bored. "Maybe they'll come over my place."

I couldn't help the growl I allowed to escape my lips, "Like hell they'll be stepping within ten feet of your place."

"Listen Tristan." Troy said sitting up straight with his elbows resting on his knees. "I know we hate one another, but for the sake of the girls I'm going to be a bigger man and let bygones be bygones. I'm not willing to lose these girls over the likes of you."

"One thing I learned about them is that they're protective of the ones they care about. Keep hating me and you're going to push her away, I can guarantee it." He warned in all seriousness. Would she really choose him over me? I mean yea we just got together and all, but could she not feel the connection between us?

"Ok..." Anya and Lise said appearing in the entrance of the living room. They were fully dressed having changed into jeans and tank tops. All remnants of the green mask gone. "We've come up with a solution to your feud." Oh god, do I really want to know what their grand idea consisted of? We're not going to hug and make up if that's what she thinks.

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