Chapter 24: Reciprocation

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I stood there in a daze, discreetly pinching myself on the arm a couple times. Nope, don't feel the pinches. It felt as though my entire body was numb. So, I decided to take it one step further by lifting my hand up and slapping myself gently across the face. I made sure to slap the opposite cheek Jewel did, since that one was still sore.

Did I honestly just hear what I thought I heard or is my mind playing an awful trick on me? Pfft, I could've sworn I heard Tristan utter, 'I love you, Lise.' But, then again I think I knocked my head a little too roughly on the hardwood floor of his foyer while wrestling that bully.

Maybe he said 'Above you, Lise' I thought as I suddenly turned my head upward to stare at the sky. Is he warning me of something coming my way? Nope, not that either. Seems the sky is bright blue, a few puffy white clouds were scattered here and there. Nothing seems to be falling from above.

His chuckle caused me to scrunch my eyebrows at him in confusion. Did I miss a joke or something? What's so damn funny? Tristan's fingers worked their way slowly from my hands, trailing up my arms, across my shoulders, and brushed my cheeks softly. My body shuddered on its own at the fiery trail he left on his way. Cupping my face in each of his hands he tilted my face up towards his own.

Those slate colored eyes taking on a more ashy appearance, the sun reflected off of them causing a sparkle. A smirk tugged playfully at his lips, he was amused by this whole situation. "No, you're not imagining things." He barely whispered the words again, but they echoed in my ears loud and clear.

"I know we've been neighbors our entire lives, never really getting to know one another, but from what you've allowed me to know of you in this short period of time." He admitted inhaling deeply. "I can tell you, they'll be no other. I love you, Lise."

My own breath caught in my throat, it felt like I was suffering from anaphylactic shock. I was having difficulty breathing. It was like my esophagus was closing up on me. The little bit of air that I did have in my lungs was instantly stolen away by Tristan in a passionate kiss. Maybe he felt the need to kiss me in order to shock me back to life.

His fingers tangled into my probably already messed up hair. I'm sure I have knots and tangles galore from rolling around in that fight. Tristan's other hand found it's way to my lower back, drawing me in closer to him. Our bodies flushed against one another as my hand found it's way to his muscular chest.

Yes, I'm a complete pervert. What? I'm not ashamed to admit it! You're damn Skippy if you think I'm taking full advantage of every opportunity to touch those washboard abs and rock solid chest. My other hand gripped his biceps tightly, afraid if I let go I just might possibly land head first onto the grass.

Tugging myself away from our heated lip lock to allow myself some oxygen to my brain, I greedily swallowed down a few gulps of air. Our faces were still within inches of one another as I finally decided it was grow some hypothetical balls and tell him how I really felt.

"I..." My entire body was shaking with nervousness. "I love you too Tristan." There, I finally admitted it, happy? Next thing I know, he let out a growl of excitement and my feet were off the ground. I was starting to get severe motion sickness as Tristan spun me around in vicious circles.

"Umm, not to rain on your parade." I heard Anya's voice somewhere off to the left or was it the right. Ugh my stomach. "I'd stop spinning her and put her down if you don't want throw up all over you."

Tristan immediately stopped, but my head was still spinning around and around. I know you can all relate. C'mon we all know we've done this before, when you spin around and around until you're so dizzy you can't take it anymore and end up falling on the ground in a fit of giggles. Well, this is I minus the fit of giggles.

For some reason, I can ride the highest roller coaster and not be scared. Ask me to go on one of those little carnival rides that spins in circles and I'll run the other way. The freaking merry-go-round causes me to hurl chunks! Of course Anya's witnessed all of this first hand having the duty of being my best friend. She's been the one holding back my hair while I became one with the toilet bowl.

"You ok?" The first Tristan asked with concern. "I'm sorry I got carried away." The second Tristan admitted guiltily. Woo-hoo, there's two of him and they're all mine!

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