Chapter 14: Gathering

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"So what's your excuse for not calling me first?" Anya asked for the millionth time, her blue eyes staring at me expectantly. She stood in my walk-in closet with her hands on her hips watching me pull out my outfit for the beach. "I'm your best friend, hello!"

"I know and like I said, I'm sorry." I apologized yet again pulling out my emerald green two-piece. "I wanted to tell you in person and I was totally in shock from it all."
She let out a dreamy sigh, "You and Tristan. I can't believe it." She shook her head in disbelief. "He's so damn hot, not as hot as Luke, but just about." Anya grinned then shrieked. "I'm so excited for you!"

My cheeks blushed just thinking about him. The way my entire body heats up when he kisses me, the tingly sensations I get when he touches me, and the chills that rack my entire body when I hear his voice. Ugh, I sound so obsessed. Little does Anya know she's in for it when Luke sees her later on. She's in the same predicament I am, haha. It was just the other day I was gagging at them being all lovey-dovey. To think they're not even a couple yet. I can imagine what Tristan and I look like and what people think.

"Oh god..." Anya gasped covering her mouth with her hand. "I know that look!" She screamed pointing at me in horror.

My eyebrows creased in confusion, "What?" I asked bewildered. What look is this nut job talking about?

"That look!" She cried out as she began laughing at me. "Annalise Foster. Are you in love?"

"Pft, What're you talking about?" I asked pursing my lips trying to act like she was full of crap. Even though there's a reason why she's my best friend. She knows me better then anyone else. "You're nuts."

"Oh please!" Anya yelped loudly with wide eyes. "You dazed out for a minute when I mentioned him and you got the same exact look on your face when you first laid eyes on Siva from The Wanted!"

Do I get all doe-eyed thinking about Tristan? She knows I'm absolutely head over heels in love with Siva from The Wanted, but c'mon let's come back down to earth here. He'll never know I exist! Ugh, she got me. "Yea, don't try and deny it!" She cackled like the witch that she is. "You're in love with him, really Lise? All ready? Have I not taught you anything?"

Exhaling deeply, I puffed my cheeks out. Can I help it that Tristan's incredibly good looking, not to mention a total sweetheart? "" I reassured her rolling my eyes drastically as I shoved her out of my walk in closet. "Now get out so I can change."

You all already know I'm a total sap when it comes to love. So yes, he's managed to steal my heart and I think I might possibly be in love with the guy. Am I falling too hard way too fast? Maybe I needed to take a step back and reevaluate things between us. I wonder if he feels the same way about me that I do about him? Probably not, considering he's a guy and could have anyone he freaking wants.

Yanking my tank over my head, I opened up the closet door to find Anya gone. I put on the same outfit I wore to school, grabbed my bag and followed the sound of voices downstairs. Standing in the foyer was Anya, Luke, Tristan, and both of my parents. Did an hour pass by that quickly? I thought as I glanced down at the time on my cell phone...6:50 PM. I still had ten minutes, what're they doing over here? I thought he demanded 'be back here in an hour' before I pried myself off his lap?

"So where you kids headed?" My dad inquired with his arms folded across his chest. I guess he was trying to look intimidating, but it's not as effective if the guys you're trying to scare are the same height as you are. My mom stood there looking serious, but you could tell she was trying her hardest to hold back a smile.

"That's the reason why we came over here Mr. Foster." Tristan spoke up confidently. "Luke and I were hoping to get your permission to take Lise and Anya to the beach with us. A few of the kids from school are going there to hang out."

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