Chapter 38: Awake

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My entire body felt extremely stiff and my joints ached like nobody's business as I tried to stretch my arms above my head. Did I sleep in an awkward position last night? There was something heavy weighing down on both of my arms restricting me from lifting it up. Cracking my eyes open slightly, I was greeted by the brightness of lights that were on right above my head. Looking out the white blinds I was faced with the complete darkness of nighttime.

Where the hell am I? Oh god, have I been kidnapped? I began panicking realizing I didn't have white blinds in my room. Trying to raise myself up from the bed to get a better look around, I felt movement more like a shuffling and a slight tickling sensation on my right arm. Casting my eyes downwards I finally noticed the top of a guy's head resting on the side of my bed. He was slumped over facing forward in one of those hard plastic chairs. The top of his hair was tickling my arm.

My breath caught in my throat as I let out an audible gasp. Sitting up quickly I tried to scoot further up the bed away from whoever this was. I managed to move all the way to the top of the bed, pulling my knees up against my chest. I was feeling completely vulnerable at the Moment.

Why in the hell do I have a cast on my left arm? The back of my head began pounding painfully with a vengeance. Upon rubbing it my hand ran itself over an orange sized lump on the upper back part of my noggin'. Holy crap! What the hell happened to me? Where was I? I thought shutting my eyes tightly trying to remember what happened last.

For the life of me I was drawing a complete blank. Last thing I remembered was worrying over Tristan and the guys. The guy laying face down sleeping must have sensed my movements, because he sat straight up in the chair. I was greeted by mesmerizing smoky gray eyes that seemed to pierce right through me. Tristan stood up on his feet, quickly making his way over to the side of the bed I was closest to. I blinked rapidly not believing my eyes. I had to be dreaming this couldn't be real. What's he doing here and where in the heck am I?

"Lise." Tristan breathed in relief as a heart breaking smile broke the serious look on his face. "Thank god you're awake." A puzzled expression caused me to stare at Tristan with narrowed confused eyes. When was I asleep and for how long?

"Am I dreaming?" I questioned baffled as Tristan sat in front of me wrapping his arms around me. "Where am I and how are you here?" Looking around at our surroundings and down at the horrid blue and white gown I was sporting. The wheels in my brain finally began turning. I'm in a hospital, but how did this happen and when? Almost like he could once again read my mind Tristan began talking.

"You fell down the steps and broke your arm sweetheart." Tristan informed me with sad eyes. "Hit your head pretty hard too." Tristan's hand found it's way to my cheek. He cupped my face and began caressing it with the inside of his thumb. Those same familiar tingles, I've grown to love and looked forward to caused my entire body to heat up. "You've been in a coma for a week." He disclosed staring at me like I suffered from amnesia. This caused me to inhale a deep breath of disbelief.

A coma; for an entire week? How is this even possible? All of a sudden everything rushed back to me attacking me all at once. I recalled the heart stopping nightmare, getting up to get something to drink, and then the terrible pain that shot throughout my body incapacitating me. Then I remembered the fall down the steps.

"Did you guys get Mia? What happened with Mia? Is everyone ok? Is anyone hurt?" I babbled on and on before Tristan interrupted me with a sad smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Calm down baby, everyone's ok." Tristan reassured me taking my hand into his own. I knew he was lying though. He always tends to look away and avoid eye contact when he doesn't want to tell me the truth.

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