Chapter 2: The Beach (Picture of Tristan)

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The ride to the beach was pretty awkward to say the least, I could feel Tristan's intense gaze on me the whole time. To think we've only been in the car for five minutes tops, it felt like the longest five minutes of my life. Do I have something hanging out my nose? Why does he keep staring at me? Self-consciously I ran my fingers over my face to capture any foreign objects that may have been hanging.

It was as though his body was emitting heat and funneling it towards my direction, I was getting really weird vibes. Maybe it's just me being paranoid; the humidity could be affecting my brain cells. I was sitting behind Luke and Tristan was behind Anya. Anya must think she's some sort of gangster thug having her seat set on the furthest setting. For being the same height I am, she sure drives like a straight up dude.

Luke had his seat reclined all the way back the same way Anya's was. Good thing for me, I'm average height. Tristan being lanky had to sit with his legs apart causing his right knee to brush against mine, which was angled towards the middle console. I was getting really strange tingling sensations from where our knees barely brushed against one another.

I didn't dare turn my head to face him as I nonchalantly stared out my window, pretending to be interested in the scenery. You all know damn well I couldn't focus on anything but his leg and everything we passed was just a blur! Anya didn't seem to notice anything out of the norm as she continued driving to our destination. Luke was giving her directions on how to get there.

Luke seemed to take an instant interest in Anya and likewise. You would think they've known one another for years the way they were both singing along to Katy Perry's Part of Me. "So how do you two know each other?" Tristan's deep voice came out softly; it managed to scare the crap out of me, causing me to jump like an idiot.

I didn't expect him to make conversation with me, seeing how I already came to the conclusion that we were a free ride to the beach. He probably couldn't wait to get there and escape as to not be seen around me. I glanced at him shyly from the corner of my eyes, turning my head slightly to make sure he was really talking to me. His intense gray eyes stared at me with anticipation.

Allowing a small smile to escape from my lips, I turned my head completely in his direction. "We met at music camp four years ago. We've been best friends ever since." I simply stated. Anya flashed me a grin over her shoulder when she heard my response. It was almost as though she was reliving the memory of us meeting.

"She was so quiet and her nose was constantly stuck in a book. One day I got fed up and finally threw her book in the lake. She got pissed off and threw my flip-flops in. We screamed at one another for a while then ended up laughing about the whole situation." Anya explained before facing forward. "You've come a long way my young grasshopper."

I laughed at her silliness, Anya brought out the best or shall I say worse in me. Her wild and crazy personality broke me out of my shell at camp. She practically forced me to be her friend; I didn't have much choice in the matter. Looking over at Tristan as I giggled, it seemed like his eyes lit up, like he was happy. If it's even possible for his gray eyes to get lighter, then they did.

Maybe he finds Anya to be funny too. All the guys seem to be attracted to her, who could blame them? She's gorgeous and outgoing. "So that's where you disappear to every summer." Tristan said more as a statement than a question. "Music camp huh? You play an instrument?"

Whoa...whoa...whoa. What does he mean that's where I disappear to every summer? It shocked the hell out of me that he even noticed I was gone during the summer. As far as I knew nobody missed me during the time I was gone. Heck, I don't even think my parents would realize I was missing for the entire summer if it wasn't that they had to pay for camp!

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