Chapter 5: Day of Many Firsts (Picture of Max)

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Slamming my palm down with full force onto the snooze button of my alarm clock for the third time, I finally decided maybe I should wake up and get ready now. Deep down inside I wanted to stay curled up in bed under my comforter and sleep the day away. I always dread the first day of school it's overrated.

The reunion of long lost cliques who 'oh my gosh!' haven't seen one another in so long, when in reality it was only couple of months, made my eyes roll to the back of my head. As if school wasn't torturous enough, you have to sit and listen to a full day of stories being told by the people around you in class. All they yapped about is what they did during the summer and whom they hooked up with, who cares? Not me!

Whoever came up with the idea that kids need to go to school five days a week, seven hours a day is a complete moron, What's the point of making us wake up at the crack of dawn to sit in a classroom and listen to useless nonsense? Can anyone tell me exactly how much of the things we learn in school end up being used at a later time in life? In my opinion, it's only about forty percent to be exact.

I was just being bitter, I already missed Anya. She promised that she'd come back over and spend the weekend again. Three days in counting, I can't wait. After hugging one another for a good ten minutes, I finally let her get in her car and go home. All we kept talking about was how much fun we had kayaking with the guys.

When we finished eating our sandwiches the four of us went up to the lighthouse. We walked all the way to the top and stared out into the Bay. Tristan said if we thought that this was a marvelous view, then we needed to come back at nighttime when the lighthouse lit up the entire waterfront.

When we arrived home we thanked the guys for a great time. Tristan asked if he could get a hug goodbye and I couldn't help myself from leaning upward to kiss him on the cheek. Upon contact with his cheek, my lips instantly began tingling. As I pulled away from him I ran my fingers over my lips, unused to this sensation.

I haven't seen Tristan since Sunday when we went kayaking. It almost felt as though I was experiencing some sort of separation anxiety disorder. Call me crazy, but my body felt lonely without him. Maybe I'm starting to develop some sort of fatal attraction feelings towards him.

Peeking out the window I tried the best I could to hide behind the curtain. The last thing I needed was for him to catch me being a psycho stalker! He'd never talk to me again. All I was trying to do was catch a glimpse of him. Whether it was out front when he was leaving to go somewhere or out in the backyard with the guys.

Much to my disappointment, I haven't seen a trace of him for two full days. To say I was depressed would be an understatement. I was borderline manic depressive pacing around my room wondering if I possibly did something wrong. What a complete 180. One minute I tell him to leave me alone, the next I'm wondering why he's leaving me alone.

My Mom took off from work Monday and Tuesday to take me shopping for school supplies and some new clothes. At least that helped in keeping me occupied, even if it was only for a few hours. Glancing up at my alarm clock my eyes almost popped out of their sockets, crap! If I don't get a move on I'll be late to school.

I threw the comforter off of me as I simultaneously jumped out of bed. See people this is what daydreaming and thinking too much gets you, lateness. That had to be the quickest shower I took in my entire life. Thank god I picked out my outfit before going to bed last night; I probably had a premonition that I'd procrastinate today.

Dressing quickly I ran down the steps to grab myself a banana and an orange juice. Looks like breakfast will be on the go, seeing how I have to speed walk to school since I'm running late. Not having a license pretty much sucked; it was five minutes by car. I had the option to ride on the cheese bus, but in all honesty I love walking it's only fifteen minutes away.

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