Chapter 26: Rise and Shine

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The sunlight shining through the curtains is what woke me up the next morning. I tried to sit up, but it was physically impossible for me to move an inch. For one, there was a solid object behind me and secondly, there was a heavy muscular arm draped over my waist. WTH?

Opening my eyes I noticed that I wasn't even in my own sleeping bag anymore. Instead, I was tucked into Tristan's grizzly double sleeping bag. How in the heck did he get me out of mine and into his? Not that I was complaining at all, this position was really comfortable and I slept great last night. But, I do recall falling asleep in my own sleeping bag which was conveniently next to Tristan's. Am I that heavy a sleeper that I didn't feel him drag me into his?

"Good Morning." Tristan's husky morning voice whispered into the top of my head. How long has he been awake for?

"Morning." I mumbled quietly, even though I wasn't facing him I'm pretty sure my morning breath isn't smelling too fresh at the moment.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked tugging me in closer by the waist so my back was pressed up against his chest.

"Good, and you?" I responded back. Seems like we're the only two people awake at the moment. Troy was sprawled out in his bag and Anya somehow ended up in Luke's grizzly double too.

"Best sleep of my life." He answered, I could hear amusement to his tone. Did he mean because I was next to him that it was the best sleep of his life? Silly boy, it was actually pretty cool hanging out in one big group, the only one who joined in our mani and pedi's was Troy.

Guess he's confident enough with his masculinity that he doesn't care what the other guys think of him when we painted his nails clear. When it came to waxing, we got all of them in some shape or form. Whether it was taking off stray hairs on top of their brows or waxing away the hair in the area between their eyes.

Max is missing a patch of leg hair after the guys thought it would be amusing to hold him down and test the efficiency of our wax. We all hung out for a while last night and after watching Green Lantern and Clash of the Titans all the guys went home.‍

I was really excited about going jet skiing and dancing tonight after hearing all the fun stories. The guys spent a lot of the time reminiscing about their jet skiing and kayaking adventures of last summer. Reaching up and extending my arms upwards, I let out a tiny yawn as I stretched. I didn't want to get up, but I knew I needed to or else I'd stay in his arms forever.

"It's still really early if you want to get a couple more hours of sleep." Tristan advised, leaning up on his elbow to get a better look at me.

Turning my head slightly my breath got caught in my throat, he's just as handsome when first waking up in the morning as he is any other time. I'm sure I look like I got ran over a few times by the ugly bus. My hair's probably tangled and sticking up in all types of directions. Probably have eye crisps and dried up drool on the side of my mouth. 'How freaking embarrassing' I thought as I struggled to get up.

"Where are you in a rush to?" Tristan teased placing his hand on the other side of my head. Somehow he shifted his body so that he was hovering over top of me. It was taking every ounce of control in my body to not freak out. Tristan Evans is on top of me, yet he wasn't touching me. It's almost like he was doing a push up over me.

This position caused me to get really, really hot, because we were both still tucked comfortably inside the bag, meaning we were extremely close. My traitorous body wanted to feel his up against mine and this feeling scared the crap out of me. I've never felt these emotions before.

All I could do was stare into his beautiful gray eyes, which seemed to be getting lighter and lighter by the second. I'm not sure how long we stayed frozen gazing at each other for before Tristan bent his elbows slightly and closed the gap between us. Bringing his face closer to my own. I would of liked to have been able to brush my teeth first, but if I had to choose between getting up and losing the Moment or kissing him on the spot, of course I'd choose the latter.

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