Chapter 4: Happiness (Picture of Lucas)

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"Will you hurry up and get your butt out here already?" Anya shouted loudly from the other side of my bathroom door. "They'll be here any minute now!" I blatantly refused to leave the safety of my wonderful bathroom, especially not after letting Anya pick out my outfit.

She had my hair straightened and pulled back into a side ponytail, my long bangs angled to the right side of my face. My makeup was way too drastic for my liking; I usually like to keep it simple with some lip-gloss and maybe a little mascara. But no, simple isn't in Anya's vocabulary. I look like I was preparing to go out on stage to perform at a freaking rock concert. Black eyeliner lined my hazel eyes along with a thick layer of gray eye shadow.

Anya forced me to wear a pair of her extremely short and when I say short, I mean coochie-cutter black cargo shorts. I had to bite my tongue from asking her if she didn't pack her little seven year old brother's shorts by accident, that's how bad they are! They're so short in fact that if I bend over, my cheeks will be on full display. I have on one of her gray frilly tube tops and on my feet are dressy black flip-flops.

Not only do I have her clothes on, but she also demanded that I wear her strapless push up miracle bra for great cleavage. She even tried to get me to wear the matching lacy thong, how humiliating. I completely drew the line when it came to underwear, as I threw a slight bitch fit. Best friend or not, I'm not sharing panties. Eww, that's just way too gross!

Shaking my head and staring at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes widened in revulsion as I took in my own appearance, like really? Who in the right mind dresses like this to go kayaking? Through her shameless flirting with Luke at the roller-skating rink last night, Anya gladly accepted an invitation for us to join the guys kayaking today.

Thanks so much for asking me what I think of the whole idea, note the sarcasm here people. Some best friend she is huh? She knows I barely have any hand-eye coordination, but yet she still agreed to my early demise. I could see the headlines now, 'Teenage girl tragically loses life after kayak capsizes and runs her over causing her to drown to death.'

"Just go without me, tell them I came down with a stomach virus." I grumbled towards the door. I was sitting on the side of my bathtub picking at the black polish on my fingernails. Anya finally talked me into coming out of the bathroom by pulling the guilt trip card on me.

"C'mon Lise I really like Luke! I only have one more day here, one more. I'm leaving tomorrow and I want to hang out with him, but I want to hang out with my best friend too." She pleaded while banging on the door so hard I thought she was going to break it down.

Standing up and swinging the door open causing Anya to practically fall forwards; I gave her the eye. "Fine, you so owe me big time!" I huffed as I dragged myself out my room and down the steps.

"Thank you, thank you." Anya chirped happily as she skipped along behind me. "You look so hot by the way."

We're meeting up over at Tristan's and riding over to the harbor in Max's Chevy Suburban. How they think we're going to shove eight people inside a seven-seat SUV is completely beyond me. The guys were already standing around Max's truck waiting for us when I locked the front door behind me. It felt like all eyes was on me as I nervously followed behind Anya, tugging uncomfortably at the hem of my shorts. I guess I was hoping I could magically make them longer.

"Get in the truck." I heard Tristan bark out causing Max, Gabe, Jordan, and Sam to suddenly scatter into their seats. What the heck was that all about? Did they always do everything Tristan told them to? He says jump and they say how high?

Max instantly hopped into the driver's seat with Jordan next to him in the passenger. Gabe and Sam jumped into the two seats behind them, which left me, Tristan, Luke, and Anya in the last row. There's no way the four of us can squeeze comfortably onto the last row; Tristan and Luke are too massive.

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