Chapter 28: Mistaken

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Troy and Andre were hanging out with two blondes that were daring enough to make their way over and ask them to dance. So graciously, Anya and I moved away to another part of the club allowing our friend to have his fun. We were here to celebrate with him, not hog up his good time. If he wanted to dance with other girls, by all means. We wanted him to enjoy himself, if that means hooking up with random girls then so be it.

Troy hasn't found his mate yet, one day he is I'm positive of it, but until then he said he's going to play the field until he does. Can't knock him for wanting to experience life before being tied down. I was out on the dance floor with Anya shaking what our mama's gave us to She Doesn't Mind by Sean Paul. When out the corner of my eye I noticed two good looking guys making their way across the dance floor towards us.

Definitely wolves, the little voice in my head said as I instinctively turned my head to glance up at the booth where Tristan and Luke were sitting, at the opposite end of the club. Except they were no longer seated in the booth, instead the two of them had looks that could kill as they too fought their way through the crowd towards us. Uh-oh, what's going on? I thought as my head pivoted back and forth between the four guys making their way over here. The strangers reached us first, as the taller of the two with black hair and green eyes reached out to grab a hold of my elbow.

"Mia..." He said with the hint of a slight Spanish accent while looking directly at me. "We've been searching all over the country for you." Say what? Who in the world is Mia and why is he talking like he knows me? I looked over my shoulder wondering if he was possibly speaking to someone behind me. Nope, nobody there.

"Excuse me?" I replied with a confused look on my face as I tried to pull my elbow from his grip, but of course he's a wolf and he's no such luck. "Who's Mia?"

"Come, it is time to quit with the games." The shorter of the two said, he too had black hair and green eyes. "We've found you and it's time for us to go back home. Mother, Father and Marco are worried sick!"

Who in the hell is Marco and why the heck would my parents be worried sick? They know I'm out with Tristan, Troy and the guys. I stared at the two and realized they have to be related and scary enough if I died my hair black, they could pass for my own brothers except I was an only child and I don't have green eyes.

"You will come with us quietly without causing a scene." The one beside me barked out in an angry tone causing me to jump in fright.

Struggling to get out of his grip as he began dragging me, Anya screamed out as she began pummeling her fists into his back. "Get off her you jerk!" This caused the shorter one to grab a hold of Anya and he too started yanking her right along with us, that is until Tristan and Luke stepped in front of our path blocking them from pulling us any further.

A deep rumbling growl was heard clearly from the depths of both of their chests. Tristan's eyes began glowing a bright silver color against the flickering strobe lights in the club. "You have approximately two seconds to get your hands off of them..." Tristan snarled while taking a threatening step forward. His jaw was clenched down tightly and his fists were balled up at his sides, ready to strike at any given Moment. "Before I rip each of your fingers off your hands and feed them to you."

I've never seen this side of Tristan before. Of course I've seen him angry and boy is he intimidating, but he was absolutely livid. Upon hearing the threat the short one immediately let go of Anya's arm allowing her to run to Luke's side. Would it be wrong of me to say that seeing him like this was a complete and utter turn on? The way Tristan's biceps flexed each time he pumped his fists made the butterflies in my stomach flutter about.

Letting go of my elbow the guy stepped forward to stand in front of Tristan. It was very brave action on his part might I add. I wondered if he was an Alpha or future Alpha? From what I've seen wolves give respect to those in a higher position and this guy was lacking in the respect department here. It also amazed me that people around us still carried on about their business partying, not minding a group of six people standing still right in the middle of the dance floor.

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