Chapter 34: The Plan

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Everyone was gathered around Tristan's living room for the emergency pack meeting. It was so filled in fact that there were people standing out in the foyer, because we ran out of space. I know you're probably thinking why didn't Alpha Evans just mind link everyone to come over? Well, he didn't want to cause panic amongst the pack, hence why he called Tristan on the cell phone. He figured Tristan could gather everyone in a calm manner.

Troy called his father and notified him of what's going on. They want to help get Mia back too so of course, the pack members from his soccer team are here at Tristan's also, talk about full house. Troy's father sent him on his behalf to find out all the details. When he arrives home later Troy will fill him in and they will plan accordingly. Alpha Evans stood at the center of the room along with Jewel's Dad, Alonso, Rico, and two other Hispanic looking men.

"Sorry for such short notice everyone." Alpha Evans began as a greeting. "This emergency meeting was called because one our fellow wolves has been kidnapped by rogues, her name is Mia."

The news caused everyone to gasp in horror as though it was something totally unheard of. Being the only humans in the room Anya and I stared at one another clueless. Maybe I'm being way harsh here, but humans get kidnapped all the time! It wasn't anything shocking to us like it was in the werewolf community. There's a hell of a lot of sickos out there in the world.

"I'd like to introduce you all to Alpha Perez, his sons Rico and Alonso, as well as Marco who is Mia's mate." Alpha Evans waved his hand in front of each person while saying his name.

Getting a good gander at Marco, I don't have the faintest idea why Mia would run from him. The guy is one-smokin-hot-tamale, what? Yes, Tristan will always make my teeth sweat, because he's that scrumptious, but I'm not dead you know. It's still ok for me to look at other guys as long as Tristan doesn't catch me doing so, ha!

As I glanced up at the men standing before us, I was met with the intense gaze of dark chocolate brown eyes that stared at me in wonder. His perfectly arched eyebrows curved downwards as his eyes seemed to widen in shock. Marcos stared at me as though he saw a ghost.

'Yea buddy, I know, I know, I resemble your mate. However, I am not her' I thought as I trained my eyes to focus on the back of Tristan's head. My body automatically shifted slightly to the right so that I was half hidden behind Tristan. Marco's stare was beginning to make me extremely uncomfortable. It was almost like he wanted to 'pull me into his arms in a warm embrace and whisper sweet nothings in my ear' type of stare down.

Alpha Evans introduced Tristan as his son and future Alpha to each of the guys. Of course we already knew Alonso and Rico, but as a sign of respect Tristan stepped forward to shake their hands. Before doing so Tristan reached back and grabbed a hold of my hand lacing our fingers together as he tugged me along with him. I practically pasted myself to the entire left side of Tristan's body as he shook everyone's hands with his right.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm sorry it has to be under such unfortunate circumstances." Tristan began, then he had to go and speak up. "I'd like you to meet my mate and future Luna, Lise."
Standing before the four men, I felt as though I was some sort of weird science experiment and they were analyzing me. Their eyes roamed every inch of my face from the top of my head to the bottom of my chin, before Alpha Perez broke the silence.

"Wow, my boys weren't kidding when they said you look exactly like our Mia!" He spoke with a heavy Spanish accent as he smacked Rico and Alonso on their backs. "What do you think, Marco?" Alpha Perez questioned as he turned to face his future son in law. Marco's lips tugged into a thin line as the look of pain was etched deep in his eyes.

He nodded his head and swallowed visibly, "I can see some similarities, but they're each their own person." Marco's voice came out soft spoken.

"So, do you have a plan of attack in getting Mia back?" Tristan asked after introducing Luke and Anya to the group.

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