Chapter 29: White Water

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Tristan's POV

Taking my eyes away from the road, I glanced over at Lise who was sitting beside me rocking her body from side to side, tapping her foot to the beat of the song. Her tiny fingers, which were entwined with mine over the middle console, were drumming against the back of my hand as though she was playing the keys of a piano.

Lise and Anya who was seated directly behind the passenger seat, were singing along...very loudly might I Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. They both have really nice voices and could sing their asses off. It's surprising how well they sing together. I love seeing her so happy and carefree that I didn't have it in my heart to tell her how much I absolutely hated this damn song.

When we got back to her house from the club last night, Luke and I left for a while to check in with my Dad. I notified him of the incident at the club with Rico and Alonso and in turn he promised to call their father Alpha Perez to offer our pack's assistance in helping them track down Mia.

Dad said he'd send Jewel's father, whom as you guys know our pack's current Beta to speak to Rico and Alonso. After shifting and running our night patrols, we stopped to get a quick shower at my house. When we finally got back over to Lise's it was way past two in the morning. Walking into the living room I was ecstatic to see that she was willingly tucked into the side of my sleeping bag waiting for me to come back.

Crawling in next to her, she instantly rolled over and snuggled up to me in her sleep. This made me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Just the simple fact of knowing she wanted to be near me warmed me right down to the core of my heart. Kissing Lise on the forehead after wrapping my arm around her, I hugged her close to my chest. I stayed awake a while watching her in a peaceful slumber.

I was willing to kill for this girl tonight, ready to annihilate anything that even came close to threatening the safety of my mate. My wolf was itching to come out and show the two strangers dragging our mates around like rag dolls, what the future Alpha of Monhegan Moonlight Pack is all about. In all honestly I was about a minute away from shifting when I felt Lise's thin arm wrap around me hugging me from behind. That small action managed to calm my wolf allowing me to think clearly. Yes, I know I have some uncontrollable anger issues...but what wolf doesn't?

Lise leaning over to look into the back at Anya while holding her thumb and pinky to her ear as she finished off the song with, "So call me, maybe?" broke me out of my thoughts. Oh thank god that wretched song is finally over, looking up into the rear view mirror I could see the look of relief in the eyes of Luke and Max who were seated in the second row and Gabe, Sam, and Jordan seated in the last row.

Troy's driving in his car following closely behind us with Andre, Lance, and Sal. His friends decided to drive up and join us in the last day of his birthday weekend celebration after having fun at the club last night. Meeting up outside Lise's house at eight this morning, we knew we needed to get an early start for our three and a half-hour trek to The Forks.

We're on our way to go...yes I know you're probably thinking we're a few sandwiches short of a picnic, crazy...Whitewater Rafting! What can I say? You only live once and it seems we all have one thing in common, we're a bunch of adrenaline junkies.

"Please change the station, I can't take anymore of these bubblegum songs!" Max cried leaning between the seats to try and reach for my radio. My instant reflex was to turn my head to the side and bite down on his arm. "Ow, dammit!" He yelped retracting his arm back.

No one and I mean no one touches my radio stations, besides Lise that is. "Serves you right, now sit back and put your seat belt on!" Lise scolded like a mama bear. The look on her face brought an instant smile to my lips, her eyes were narrowed causing her eyebrows to scrunch up. If there's one thing she's adamant about it's wearing your seat belt in the car. I never wear mine...wolf here, hello...but of course she gave me the silent treatment until I finally put it on.

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