Chapter 7: Heartache (Picture of Jewel)

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Walking out of fourth period, I instantly noticed Tristan leaning against the lockers beside the door. He had a bored expression on his face as he watched people shuffling out of class. How the heck did he make it over here that fast when his class is on the other side of the school is beyond me. He probably leaves all his classes early, either that or he ran all the way over here.

Once his gray eyes zoned in on mine an instant heart stopping smile spread across his lips. I thought it was sweet how he was being so protective of me...I'm not sure from what though. My heart thumped wildly against my chest cavity at the mere thought of him actually being happy to see me. Is it pathetic of me to have trouble breathing every single time I see his face?

I have to admit that he's really been trying his hardest to prove me wrong. To show me that there's more than meets the eye when it comes to him, that he's not just another pretty faced player. I'm not sure where we stood as far as our relationship goes or if this could even be categorized as a relationship at all. Let's just safely call it an escalating friendship.

I haven't seen him give any other girl a second glance since we got here this morning, which was very surprising. He said hi and was friendly to everyone, but he never overdid it. Guess I had him pegged all wrong. I thought he enjoyed all the attention the random girls threw his way. For some reason I thought he was the type to live for it.

To say I felt special would be an understatement. He was completely ignoring all the lustful looks the other girls were giving him and devoting all his attention to me. "Hi." I greeted him shyly. We had gym together third period, since it's the first day thankfully we didn't have to get dressed.

Mr. Deluca our gym teacher gave us a free period after handing out our gym T-shirts. He gave us a fifteen-minute lecture on the importance of coming prepared and being ready to participate tomorrow. Of course Tristan had to be in the one class that I'd make a fool out of myself in. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of my wonderful athletic disabilities.

Jordan and Luke were in the same gym class as Tristan and I; they played a game of volleyball while I sat on the bleachers reading. I could feel his eyes watching me the entire time he stood on the court, but I kept my eyes focused on the story. Or at least I tried my best to act like I was, all the words were blurring together on the page.

"Hey, ready for lunch? You're sitting with us." Tristan told me while reaching over and pulling my messenger bag off my shoulder. He slung it over his head so that it hung across his chest with the pouch resting on his back. I barely even had time to react to him stealing my bag, he maneuvered so fast. Everything he does is so smooth and in one quick motion. It's unnatural for someone to move so gracefully.

He wasn't even carrying any books of his own. All he had was a pen tucked into the top of his ear, while I had my messenger bag which was full and two textbooks I was hand carrying. Holding out his hand with his palm facing upwards he looked over at me with a grin. "Give me your books."

I shook my head; I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own things. "No, I'm fine. Can I have my bag back?" I asked in a small voice, but only received a stern look in response. Huffing like a little girl not getting her way, I grudgingly handed over my two textbooks. Why is he treating me like I'm made of glass?

I know...I know any girl in the right mind would be dying for all this attention. But do I look like your typical girl? No, I'm not so of course it made me feel hella awkward. I was used to being independent and doing everything for myself. Not ever having anyone else to count on, I got used to the fact of being alone.

Tristan stopped right in front of my locker and began twisting the dial on the lock. Yes, he made me give him my combination. For what, I don't know. "Uh..." I began, knowing deep down inside this idea isn't going to sit too well with him. "I always go to the library for lunch."

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