Chapter 27: Club 207

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Tristan's POV

Standing in my parent's kitchen with all the guys, Troy included. I was going over last minute precautions. We just got back from jet skiing and I decided a little meeting was needed. The girls went over to Lise's house to start getting ready for the club. You know girls they take forever to get ready, so we figured we'd give them a head start.

We allowed them to believe we're gathering over at my place to play some video games, but in actuality we're discussing the plan for tonight. I need to assure we're all on the same page for the safety of everyone that's with us and especially for the safety of my mate. "Being that Club 207 is located on the border of Port Clyde and Camden..." I announced to the group, while clearing my throat. "We all need to be extra aware of our surroundings."

They all nodded in agreement, since the opening of the club none of us have been there yet. So, we weren't sure what type of crowd it drew in. We need to be prepared in case any situations arise, being a wolf we can never be too cautious. One little incident of losing our temper is all it takes to lose control and shift. "All I'm saying is we all need to stay cool and remember we're there to have a good time." I reiterated to the group, knowing my guys can get a little rowdy and wild at times.

"If there's an episode of any kind, don't try and take matters into your own hands." Troy added in. I guess being a future Alpha he felt the need to give some guidance also. "Make sure you come and get either myself or Tristan."

I nodded my head in agreement, showing my guys that what he was saying made a lot of sense. Troy told us that Andre along with a few of his other friends were meeting us at the club to celebrate. He already mind linked them what we're talking about so they're aware of what to do. I just hope tonight turns out to be a good night for all of us.

Still needing to shower, I dismissed everyone to go home and get ready. Luckily I'm a guy and it only takes me fifteen minutes tops to get showered and dressed. We agreed to meet outside my house in an hour.

Having been side tracked by Dad calling me into his study to discuss some new schedules for running patrols, I looked up at the clock to realize I had five minutes to get ready, crap! I raced back over to mine's and quickly took a shower. I dried myself off, slapped on some after-shave and smoothed some gel in my hair running my fingers through it.

Figuring that since it's my place and that no one is here but me, I decided to throw on my black briefs and walk from my bathroom into my room to get dressed. As soon as I stepped foot out of my bathroom to walk towards my room, I heard a loud gasp and then a clanging sound of something hitting my hardwood floor. My first instinct was to charge at whoever it is that's in my house, but looking up I could only laugh.

Standing next to my TV with her hands shielding over her eyes, was none other than Lise. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." She uttered nervously while taking steps backwards towards my door. "I..." She began rambling still retreating for the exit. "I had no idea you weren't ready yet. My Mom made dinner and wanted me to bring some for you and your parents. Your Mom said it was ok for me to come in here!"

'Damn it, she looks good enough to eat' I thought. Finally taking notice of the tight little black tube dress she's wearing and the black heels that made her legs look extra long. Not caring that I was only in my underwear, I rushed over to her grabbing a hold of her hands and pulled them away. I needed to see her beautiful face.

Her cheeks were flushed a deep pinkish hue, as she quickly looked at me and then reflexively snapped her eyes shut in embarrassment. "Wh-what're you doing?" She asked in shock.

This is my mate, she shouldn't be ashamed to look at me. I wanted her to feel comfortable around me, not to feel awkward. Guiding her hands to my bare chest, I grabbed a hold of her face in my palms and murmured in a hushed whisper, "Open your eyes beautiful."

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