Chapter 33: Never A Dull Moment

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The sound of the victory cheers coming from the crowd was almost as loud as the bumping of the music as the winners made their way into Max's backyard. Of course, our team won the game by two goals. It was a fair game and it ended on good terms, it was so good in fact that Max invited Troy's team over for the party. I'm so ecstatic that they're actually making an effort to get along. It makes things so much easier on all of us to be friends, not enemies.

I didn't get to enjoy the game, because Lance was too busy pestering me the entire time. He kept on making me reassure him that I'd introduce him to Jewel. Trust me buddy, I wouldn't be so eager to get to know her. She's not anything to write home about! Especially not with her evil demeanor towards people who aren't what she considers 'worthy'. I rode over to Max's house with Anya in her car, Lance decided to tag along with us since he came to the game in Troy's car and didn't feel like waiting for them to shower.

My guess was he didn't want to leave my side in case I thought it the opportune time to introduce him to Jewel. I suppose he didn't want to miss his big chance. I kept telling him I'd do it at the party that during the game wouldn't be a good time since she was too busy playing cheerleader from the bleachers. Standing next to Anya, we were discussing the best way to introduce Lance to Jewel without having to spend more then two minutes with her.

"Just go up to her and say Jewel, I have someone that wanted to meet you. Jewel this is Lance, Lance this is Jewel and run away." Anya suggested with a laugh. I'm glad she finds this situation funny, maybe I should make her do it since Jewel doesn't hate Anya as much as she does me.

"Easier said than done Anya." I huffed, stressfully running my hands through my hair that I wanted to yank out. Blowing out a sigh of frustration, I was mentally psyching myself up to grab Lance's hand and just get it over with. Not only would I have to approach Jewel, but her entire gang would be there too.

I greeted Troy, Andre and Sal when they arrived. Troy took the time to introduce Anya and I to the rest of his teammates. Axel and Jett were here somewhere in the crowd, we lost them after the game. They came here together on their motorcycles. Soon Luke came over and stole Anya away to dance leaving me standing there with Lance, still trying to figure out what the heck to do.

"Hey beautiful." The sound of his voice caused me to tremble as Tristan came up and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Hey there captain." I said as I tilted my head sideways and was pleasantly greeted by Tristan's lips against mine. Mm, sweet heavens I'll never get tired of his kisses, they always made me weak in the knees.

My one hand was placed securely over his hands which were around my stomach, while the other one found it's way to the back of his neck pulling him closer to me. Yes I'll agree the position we were in may seem way awkward, because my head was twisted upwards, but as long as I'm in Tristan's arms it didn't matter. Getting lost in the moment, I almost forgot where I was and what I had to do, until Lance annoyingly cleared his throat and interrupted.

"Uh, Lise, remember what you promised?" Lance's voice came out sounding like he was way too eager to get to know Jewel. This caused Tristan to pull out of the kiss causing me to pout childishly. Dammit Lance, I was just getting into the kiss too!

"What'd you promise him?" Tristan whispered against my lips as his eyes searched my face for an explanation. A knowing smirk tugged at his handsome lips, as his gray eyes twinkled against the dark night sky. Stinker knows exactly what kind of effect he has on my body. Hmm looks like I'll need to start playing hard to get.

"He recognized Jewel as his mate at the game, keeps on bugging me to introduce them." I admitted in an extremely hushed whisper. It was so quiet in fact that I'm surprised Tristan understood it, but he did and his entire body perked up at the news.

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