Chapter 40: Truth Be Told

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A rumbling growl was heard from behind us as I was suddenly tore away from Marco's death grip on me. Before I knew what was occurring I was pushed protectively behind Tristan.

"She's NOT Mia." Tristan's chest heaved up and down in fury. His stance was one of pure anger and defense as he confronted Marco.

Marco let out a snarl of his own, his body trembling. It's a true sign that his wolf is just about ready to lose control and surface. Deciding to speak up and try to diffuse the situation I took a slight step sideways and held my hands out in front of me to show I didn't want any problems. "I'm so sorry for your loss Marco."

Tristan allowed a quick glance over his shoulder at me as if to say 'what the hell are you doing?' I just gave him a small smile and a nod telling him it's ok. Marco's breathing seemed to have calmed down a bit as he got a better look at me, realizing that I wasn't Mia. The expression on his face was heart wrenching. His face contorted with pain as he gave me a nod of acknowledgement and turned around on his heels, running full speed ahead into the woods. Unsure of whether someone should go after him, I took a step forward only to have my arm grabbed by Tristan.

"Let him go, baby. He needs to be alone and run it off." Tristan's deep voice informed me. I could feel his body pressed up against my back causing me to lean into him for support. Just the fact that his mere touch could comfort my wild emotions and fast paced heartbeat was simply amazing to me.

Rico came out onto the porch and announced that it was time for lunch. He led us into the kitchen where he introduced us to a beautiful woman. "I'd like you all to meet Maria, she's my father's wife."

Wife, wouldn't that mean she's also his mother and Luna of the pack? Judging by the tone of voice Rico used when saying her name, I kind of got the feeling he respected the woman, but wasn't too fond of her. Being the curious cat that I am, I took the opportunity to go stand next to Rico while Tristan and Luke went to get Anya and I some food.

He looked over at me and offered a friendly nod. "Sorry to hear about your accident." He said crossing his arms over his chest as he watched everyone moving about in the kitchen area.

"Thanks." I murmured not sure how to ask my questions without sounding rude about any of it. "Can I ask you a couple things?"

Rico's eyebrows raised up and he shook his head yes. "Sure, if I have the answer I'll be more than glad to give it to you." He seemed surprised that I wanted to willingly speak to him, but he shrugged it off and was kind enough to humor me. I stared down at the floor and pulled my mouth up sideways as I chewed on my bottom lip. Gosh, I hope he doesn't flip out and tell me to mind my damn business.

"How old was Mia?" I asked shooting out the simplest of my inquiries to start off with. I decided to approach Rico, one because he's future Alpha and two because he seemed the friendliest.

"Mia's, Mia was eighteen." Rico said swallowing visibly and pausing slightly when he got to the word was. It's obvious this is difficult for him to discuss.

"Would it be overstepping the boundaries if I asked you who Nina and Analia were?" I questioned in a small voice as I allowed myself to look at him in sadness.

At the young age of twenty-two, Rico's eyes seemed to be filled entirely with grief. Almost like they've seen and suffered through so much loss. Not at all...let's go somewhere more private to talk." Rico suggested tilting his head towards the back door.

Tristan with his wolf ears immediately looked over at me from the table where he was scooping food onto the plate and nodded. Rico led me out to the back deck where patio tables were set up, pulling out a chair, offering for me to sit down. "Thanks."

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