How The Mane Six Go To a Party

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~Flying in Twi's air balloon~ (The pegasai fly on their own)

Pinkie: Are we there yet?

Pinkie: Oh, look! It's a bird!

Pinkie: Dashie! I wanna hold a cloud! Get me a cloud!

Pinkie: Oh, oh! Is that the smell of cupcakes I smell?

Pinkie: Are we there yet?

Pinkie: Thou shall not pass the mountains! Oh! We already did! Hahah!

Pinkie: Ohhhhhh, more birdies!

Pinkie: Hey, hey Twi! Where are we?

Pinkie: Are we there yet?

Pinkie: Rarity, Rarity! Looookkk at the pretty skyyyyyy!

Pinkie: Ah my Celestia, the view is amazing!

Pinkie: I wonder if we'll be there in time for the party!

Pinkie: Are we there yet?

Pinkie: I'm so excited! When I heard there was gonna be a party at the Crystal Empire, I'd thought we'd have to take the stinky old train again!

Pinkie: But nope! We're taking Twi's amazing air balloon!

Pinkie: Flutters, are you ready to mingle yet?

Pinkie: By the way, are we there yet?

Twi: No Pinkie, we aren't be there yet. We won't be there yet if you keep on yapping about the party!

Rainbow: Pinkie, calm down, you're making our ears hurt!

Rarity: Darling, honestly, you may want to keep it down... You're starting to sound like Applejack.

AJ: Beg your pardon?

Rarity: I'm sorry Applejack, you won't get my pardon.

AJ: For the love of apple pies, I didn't even wanna go this time. Last time there was a party, we all got attacked by goop.

Rarity: I'm sure it followed us because of your smell.

AJ: Rarity, I understand that you're probably blind, but we are in an air balloon right now. As much as I'd love to fight you, we can't.

Rarity: We can still hear each other. That means I can say whatever I want to you.

AJ: At least I won't be using that fancy language you use all the time. At least I make sense!

Rarity: You unrefined excuse of a mare! I speak normally, unlike a certain somepony!

Rainbow: Should I tell them that they really need to work on insulting each other?

Fluttershy: Girls, girls... Calm down. We're almost there, so we shouldn't be so negative. Think happy! We'll get to eat a lot of food, and we'll be able to meet up with Cadence and Shining Armor!


Twi: No!

Rainbow: This is gonna be a long trip...

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