Rin and Song Quotes

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(Cause Rin wanted explosions)

Rin: So, when I woke up this morning, the Life Reset Button appeared before me.

Len: Sure it did.

Rin: And now I'm having a meltdown cause Piko dropped the pudding.

Len: Piko, how dare you make Rin quote the Pudding Song.

Piko: Pudding.

Rin: But we should be happy! Because it's our duty!

Len: Rin, stop.

Rin: But, I found the path to eternal happiness!

Len: Aaaannddd...


Len: Stop with the summoning the demons.

Rin: But I'm a demon girlfriend, so I must have a demon boyfriend!

Len: No, please.

Rin: We could have a Oni Kyokan.

Len: That'd be hell.

Rin: Heaven or Hell, choose!

Len: No way.

Rin: What's the cheat code for happiness?

Len: I don't know, go ask Yuzuki.

Yu-Yu: *glomping IA*

Oliver: *sitting in the corner*

Rin: Hop! Step! An instant death!

Len: Since when were we on a landline field?!

Rin: Since 1925.

Len: We aren't that old, Rin...

Rin: I'm most certainly... undoubtedly... a Goddess!

Len: Of what? A fanfic writing goddess of oranges?

Rin: You'll understand when you're an alkaline adult.

Len: According to my age, I'll be fourteen forever.

Rin: Then you'll stay an oblivious pumpkin forever.

Len: I don't even like pumpkins!

Rin: Then I'll use my sweet magic so you'll eat it!

Len: I'd rather listen to Ievan Polkka on loop.

Rin: Tsukema Tsukeru!


Rin: Then let's take a vacation to Shota Island!

Len: I will kill you.

Piko: Don't mention that song ever again unless you want a face full of pudding.

Rin: Can't we all just learn to like and dislike?

Len: I dislike that you're quoting songs and insulting us at the same time!

Rin: Don't tell anyone, but the world's gonna spin upside down.

Len: There's no upside down in space.

Rin: But what about magnets?

Len: Go and learn about it. Actually learn something.

Rin: I would, but I'm watching an Ugly Guy's Documentary, so I don't have enough time.

Len: Can I slap you. Now. Please.

Piko: Guys, I don't think Len can take this much anymore. Should I call someone?

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