Equestria Inn Part One

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(I swear, I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm not Japanese spare me the weeaboo hate)

Twi: *reading a scroll* Hey, look.

Len: What.

Twi: Celestia started up an inn near Ponyville for tourists. She says we need to test it out before we actually open it up.

Len: Test an inn out?

Twi: Yeah, you know. Check in, have some of us play as staff, all that stuff.

Rin: *crashes through the wall* CAN WE HIRE SEBASTIAN

Twi: My wall!

Len: No.


Len: Claude was a-

Rin: *throws pillow* DOESN'T MATTER

Twi: Can't we all just take turns? You all will do the first week and my friends and I will do the second week. There'll be some other testers from Canterlot, so it won't be that lonely.

Spike: When you say friends, does that include me?

Twi: Yeah.

Spike: Yes! I finally do something besides hang around eating your jewels!

Twi: I'm sorry, what?

Rin: oh

Len: we see how it is

Twi: ?

Rin: you and your friends

Len: you and your friends will do the second week

Rin: we're not your friends

Len: we see how it is

Rin and Len: *sit in the corner*

Twi: You guys are my friends, I just didn't wanna list everypony!

Rin: Twi hates us Len.

Len: I know. It's mostly your fault.

Twi: I-I don't!

Miku: I heard inn. What's going on.

Rainbow: An inn sounds cool.

Twi: Princess Celestia said we'll need to work there for a month or so to test out how it works.

Rainbow: We'll have to work? Lame.

Miku: Why include us?

Twi: Cause you guys do nothing but freeload off my castle. So we're gonna do this, and I don't hate you guys!

Miku: Uhhh, I didn't think you did...

Twi: Appearently those two did.

Rin: You know Len, one time you made Aiko and Meiko alicorns. I think Twi hates you for outshining her.

Len: It was only temporary. Besides, you bother Twi on a regular basis, so I wouldn't be talking.

Rin: Just you wait, I'll be the best Equestria Inn employee and Twi won't hate me.

Len: Wanna make that a bet?

Rin: You bet I do.

Miku: Let's start before they start betting even more stuff.

Twi: Right...

When Vocaloids Are The Staff

Rin: *pushes Len off the helping counter* Hello! Welcome to Equstria Inn! May I help you?

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