Twi's Library

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Twi: Spike! Guess what today is!

Spike: Um... *checks calendar*

Calendar: *has August 15th written all over it*

Spike: Uh... Library cleaning day?

Twi: Correct!

Spike: Oh boy...

Pinkie: It's library cleaning day?! Yay~!

Rarity: Ah, cleaning. I think I'll be good at that.

AJ: Cleaning? Alright, just wanna let you know, I'm not that good at cleaning...

Fluttershy: Yay...

Rainbow: I don't see why we should be excited about it...

Twi: I have the next copy of Daring Do. If we find it, you can read it.

Rainbow: Let's get cleaning!

Twi: Spike? Got all the supplies?

Spike: I'll go to the closet...


~In Twi's library~

Twi: *moves a book* Ah, I haven't been here since I moved in...

Rarity: You got this castle at the end of Season Four and Season Five hasn't started yet.

Twi: I know. I know...

Rainbow: We all know that the whole reason why Twi's library got destroyed was so we could have this huge castle.

AJ: Pretty much.

Fluttershy: I agree...

Pinkie: Yep.

Twi: All my books got burned by that Tirek...


AJ: Yeah. He's Voldemort now.


Twi: Spike! Where's the duster?

Spike: *carrying a huge amount of cleaning supplies*

Twi: Ah, thanks. *gets duster* Everypony! Get a tool and clean!

Rainbow: Can't I just blow all the dust away with my wings?

Rarity: I need a hazmat suit to clean all this dust... A vacuum, a feather duster, and a whole bunch of things...

AJ: Um... *gets a small battery fan* Will this work?

Pinkie: *gets a sponge* I HAS SPONGEBOB. *throws sponge at Fluttershy*

Fluttershy: U-Um... Ow?


Pinkie: GOMEN NE.

Rin: Can you all keep it down? This is a library!

The Mane 6: *jump*

Twi: R-Rin! When did you get here?

Rin: I wanted to read the lenons.

Twi: T-The... Lenons?!

Fluffy: Uh... Yeah, I might have put them there...

Twi: Why?!

Rin: None of your business. Either way, can you keep it down? I'm trying to read...

Len: This is the first time I've seen her read.

Twi: ...Fluffy.

Fluffy: Yeah?

Twi: How many more... Lenons, are in here?

Fluffy: *whistling* I'm just gonna let you clean up, alright?

Twi: Fluffy...!

Rainbow: Oh! This book looks kinda old. 'Twilight's Secret Diary, No Pony Allowed!'

Twi: What?!

Spike: Read it! Read it!

Rainbow: The day's been crossed out... But it says, 'BBBF got into the royal army! I'm so glad for him! I hope he doesn't mind if I keep one of his quills that he used when he was learning. Lucky quill!'

The rest of the Mane 6: *snickering*

Spike: She sounds so happy.

Twi: Rainbow! Stop reading that!

Rainbow: 'Also, today I got a mark off my test! Mom and Dad said not to worry, but I missed an easy question! Gah, I can't believe I let something like the history of Star Swirled the Bearded have one off!'

AJ: What?

Twi: You know what, I quit. That's it, I quit. *leaves*

Spike: Keep reading.

Rainbow: 'Also, BBBF hid in his room today. I heard him talking with somepony, which was weird because I didn't hear anyone come through the door.'

AJ: Cadence?

Rarity: Probably.

Rainbow: 'I hope Shining Armor isn't trying to hide something from me. He's always so nice to me, so I've made it my duty to always protect him too...Whoever's talking to him, I'll have my eye on them...'

Pinkie: Creeeepyyy.

Spike: Geez, Twilight...

Rin: Twi's officially a Yandere.

Fluttershy: That isn't good...

Rin: Nah, this'll just make things interesting.

Twi: *comes in and takes diary* I WAS YOUNG OKAY. IM NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE

Rin: Sure you aren't...

Twi: *throws diary away*

Spike: And we haven't even gotten to her study books...

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