Lithuania x Poland

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Someone please tell me their ship name >\\\<
Update:  I already know the name. I got it.

Future edit: Guys.... I already wrote 3 years ago that I learned what the ship is called. No need to remind me every. Single. Time. I literally said it in 2016 and it's 2018 now. Y'all need to chill.
God, I needed to take this out of my system, like, I kept quiet for 3 year but come on, I waited 3 years longer than needed.


Lithuania was making some tea when he heard Poland scream upstairs. Quickly, he ran towards his room and opened the door only to see him holding a pink shirt.

"What's the matter?" Asked Lithuania and looked at Poland confused.

"My favorite shirt!" He only said and looked horrified at Lithuania.

"What about it?" The Lithuanian went up to the polish and looked at the shirt. Nothing seemed wrong with it, it was in perfect condition.

"It got smaller."Said Poland and tears began forming in his eyes.

"There's no way this shirt can become smaller, you just got bigger." Lithuania tried to cheer up Poland by telling him how big he's grow and that he's stronger now, but Poland looked offended.

"Are you calling me fat?" Asked Poland with raised eyebrows.

"No! I'm just... I.." He didn't know what to say. The polish was looking angry now and was shoowing him out of the room. "I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just saying that your surely stronger now."

Poland seemed to ignore him and locked the door after Lithuania left the room. He was just upset that his favorite shirt wasn't his size anymore, but what can he do now but throw it away. So Poland folded his shirt and threw it in the trash with tears filling his eyes.

The next morning when Lithuania was cleaning Poland's room, he found his shirt in the trash, so he diced to make some changes to it. Taking it to his room, Lithuania took some fabric and started working on the shirt. He was quite good at knitting, because of Russia, so he decided to put some more work on it. When noon came, Lithuanian could hear Poland's scream again, this time even louder.

"My shirt is gone!" He yelled and shook Lithuania's shoulders. "I left it in the trash, but all day I was thinking about it and then I though that I might send it to someone to fix it."

"Oh, I already started working on it." Said Lithuania and looked unsure at Poland, who just stood there, silent, his whole face gotten pale and cold.

"You did what?" Asked the polish and raised one of his eyebrows.

Lithuania started to feel guilty that he took the shirt without telling Poland, but what cam you do when the person you love is screaming in fashionable horror. Suddenly , the color in Poland's started to come back again and a faint smile appeared on his face. Lithuania was relived.

"I wonder what would I do without you."Said the polish and stared to jump from excitement. Lithuania was happy that Poland was happy, his heart warmed up when he saw the polish smile. "Is it ready?"

"Yeah, I just finished it a couple of minuets ago." Said Lithuania and pointed towards his room. "I'll get it for you."

The Lithuanian went to his room and picked the pink shirt and came back to Poland's room. His eyes were full of excitement when he saw his fav shirt and he quickly pulled it from Lithuania's hands. Poland pushed him outside and closed the door and a couple of minuets passed when Poland finally opened the door again and made a sign to Lithuania to come in. The shirt looked fabulous on him, of course, and Poland looked really happy.

"Do you like it?" Asked Lithuania hopefully.

"Do I like it? I love it!"He said and gave Lithuania a faint kiss on the lips.

Lithuania blushed and looked confused. When Poland realized what he had done, he started to apologized, but the Lithuanian made him stop with a passionate kiss.

"I love you."Whispered Lithuania and looked deeply into Poland's eyes.

"Really? I though that only I had this feelings." The polish said and returned the sweet kiss with the sweeter words, "I love you too.".

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