Milk (Iceland x Turkey)

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A/N: Well well Well, what do we have here, a fan fiction I guess? It was about damn time, right? 😂😂
I don't know what I was doing. I don't even know how I ended up in this situation. All I know... All I feel is my body burning under each and every touch of his. Sadiq knew where to be harsh and where to be gentle and it honestly drove me insane. I wanted more, but at the same time I wanted less. His fingers traced every red spot he marked me with, starting from my neck till my hips. A simple moan escaped me and I felt him getting even more impatient, more eager to do to me stuff I don't even remember agreeing to. All I know is that now I want more. I grabbed the sheets under me, my back forming an arch and my eyes shut as much as humanly possible as I was about to reach my peak, but he stopped.
He climbed out of bed, leaving me alone with all this fire inside of me and later on returned with a syringe filled with white fluid. It didn't have a needle but it still caused a chill to run down my spine.
"What is that for?" I asked, my voice heavy between every deep breath I took.
"You'll see soon enough." His eyes went dark as he suddenly flipped me over, forcing me to lie on my stomach. He lifted my gently from behind and I could feel his hands slowly removing my remaining clouths. I gasped, but he quickly hushed me and told me everything would be all right.
I could feel the cold liquid inside of me the moment the end of the syringe entered me. It felt weird and awkward, but at this position, I couldn't do anything, Sadiq was in full control. At one point he murmured something I couldn't hear and I could feel him press the syringe deeper and deeper inside. My breath became heavier together with his. I was feeling hot, but ashamed at the same time as a small amount of the liquid escaped from me.
"Try to hold it in." He said.
"I'm trying." I whispered, my face turning red.
Every time he pressed, I tenced up and tried to keep it all in. I didn't know why was he doing this but at this point I didn't care. I tried to get used to his weird ideas, sometimes costing my sanity.
Sadiq suddenly removed the syringe when he thought I was ready enough for the 'real' stuff. The liquid, now partly on my legs, was being wiped away with Sadiq's gentle touch.
Just when I thought he was about to do it, I felt something else on my behind. His lips. He licked away the liquid that had escaped and continued his way upwards towards my entrance. I gasped and moaned, not knowing how to react. My body was burning up, even more when I felt one of his fingers sliding inside.
"Please, I can't hold it in if you continue like this." I said between gasps.
"You have to." He simply said as he removed his finger.
I felt the tip of his erection on me, saying for the right opportunity. Just when I relaxed a little bit, he let it slide in completely without warning. I screamed, not loud enough for others to hear, but enough to make Sadiq more excited.
"Hmm, you like that don't you?" He leaned in and whispered in my ear, biting it gently as possible. "You know I can't control myself when I hear you scream."
"Sadiq...please, I want to let go." I buried my face within the sheets, trying to hide my red face.
"Hiding that cute face won't help you, little pumpkin." He said and I felt his hips move gently. In and out. In and out until his moves became to rough for me and I couldn't keep my voice down. At this point I didn't care if anyone heard me. The feeling was too extreme to hold in and my body shook aggresivly together with the bed. I could hear Sadiq's moans right next to my ear, his as load as mine.
The liquid came poring out as Sadiq banged me harder and harder every moment. He was burning as much as I did and I felt like I could feel any better but then he grabbed my crotch and started stroking it fast. It felt heavenly when I was finally able to release my self, and to my surprise Sadiq did the same not long after me.
Both of us collapsed on the bed, not able to word what we felt at the moment. I turned around to see his puffed up face. His forehead was sweaty and his face was probably even redder than mine, but he still managed to look hot. His chest was all red from our previous attempts, I could guess that his back was even more beat up. If I wasn't too tired, I would kiss each and every spot on his body, just to remind him that I belonged to him and that he belonged to me.

Sorry if it was a little crappy, it's been forever since I wrote something smutty 😂😂😂

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