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"Hey, dude, what 're you doin'? " Asked America as he poked his head over my shoulder.
"Nothing much, just signing some papers." I said and pushed his head away from me. "And as you can see, I'm quite busy, so please, leave me alone." Ignoring his curiosity, I 'tried' to concentrate on the matter in my hands, but America just continued to butt in.
"Dude, just chill a little and hang out with me." He said and pushed my papers off the desk.
"You bloody twat! How do you dare-" I was cut off by America's sudden burst of laughter. "What's so funny?" I asked and crossed my hands infront of my chest.
"Oh, come on, just come with me to the bar!" He said and pulled me after him by the hand. I tried to resist, but he became stronger than me and my resistance had no affect on him.
Soon after that we were headed to America's favourite bar in England and the barman served us some drinks.
"Tell me again, why am I here?" I asked and gave out a sigh of annoyance.
"Because you need rest." Alfred answered, saying every word with two seconds intervals. He shoot his cup above and I had no choice but to give in. I took my cup and we drank until I could no longer think straight.
"I think you need to stop." He said when I went on and on about how I used to rule the world.
"I can handle my drinking!" I huffed and narrowed my eyes at him.
"As much as I can handle without burgers." He said and pulled me up and both of us went to my car that was parked right in front of the bar.
I took my key and went to sit in the drivers seat, when America stopped me and took away my key. "Hey! What was that for?" I could barely ask.
"You, driving? No way in hell. I want to go home safe and sound."
America got to drive after he forced me into the seat next to him.
The trip home was long and silent. America opened the door for me and led me to my bedroom, all filled with my various potions. America looked at them with curiosity and grabbed on red bottle.
I was too lazy to react, when America opened the bottle and drank from it.
"That's some fine red wine." He said and handed me the bottle. "I'll give some before you head to sleep."
Putting the bottle on my lips, the smell knocked me sober. This wasn't ordinary red wine. This was the wine that i mixed in with my love potion, to be more honest, it was more than a love potion, it was a sex potion. When I shook the bottle, I realised that America had drank at least half of it. Just one sip was enought to turn you on and two to turn you horny, but America had more than just one sip. He drank 3/4 of the bottle!
"Um,.. America, are you feeling alright? " I asked and frowned.
"Why shouldn't I be? "He said and dropped at the bottom of the bed and looked at me with sleepy eyes. "Is there a problem if I stay here for the night, I'm too sleepy to drive home."
"Yeah, no problem." I said and waved my hands at him. "Just keep your distance."
"Fine." He said and I could swear he fell asleep on the spot.
I frowned at him. I guess the potion wasn't working. I shook the idea out of my head and dozed off into a land of fairies and flying mint bunnys, but I was soon disturbed by some hands massaging my crouch. A small hum escaped my mouth, but I refused to open my eyes. I thought it was some wierd dream, but then the hands moved upside and started to unbutton my shirt and I felt someone's lips on my stomach.
I reached out to the source and I could feel someone's soft hair above me. Then that someone decided to mount me and he strated to rub his crouch against mine. I moaned softly and opened my eyes slowly to reveal a half naked America on top of me. Until my brain processed this new information, I was already half naked and Alfred was about to slide my pants off me.
"What the bloody hell are you doing?" I asked, and I felt my throat go dry. Some bitter sweet taste was in my mouth that I could only link with wine and I guess America had givin me some of the wine while I was asleep.
"I.. can't take it any longer... I feel as if its going to burst." He said and started to unzip his pants.
Before he removed them, I could see the large lump that had formed there and slowly it was going to be revealed to me what it was. I was also able to see that a lump had also formed in my pants, but I still didn't feel pain.
Now, America was completly naked and was pantig as if hed just ran a marathon. He was unzipping my pants and strangely enough, I didn't resist.
I pushed my back off the bed and pulled America closer to me. I could feel his member pushing against my body, but I didn't pay any attention to it. I was focused on America's lips. I pulled him closer to me and we started to kiss passionately and when we parted, a string of saliva was still connecting our mouths.
America moved away from me and after that, he lowered his head towards my member and I could feel his warm lips on my now fully hard member. I let my moans take over me as Alfred sucked in deeper.
I could feel myself nearly cum, but then America turned me around and pushed me against the bed. My ass was hanging in the air and I felt America's hands on my butt cheeks. One of them was removed, but then it found itself inside of me. America was making me wider in order for him to enter me. First was one finger and now there were three, pushing and pulling, in and out of me.
I gasped when America suddenly entered me with his huge member. He pushed deeper in me and my gasps were replaced my moans when America started moving. The pace was faster than what I could handle. I tried to make him move slower, but he didn't pay any attention to me. Soon, he removed his member from me and he made me lay on my back. I spreaded my legs for him and he entered me again. This time it wasn't this painful and he moved slower than before.
Every time I was in the brink of coming America would just stop and kiss me more and when I calmed down, he would enter me again.
"Please, " I pleaded out to him and reached for his head. I cupped his face and pleaded more, "I can't handle this any longer. I want it now." I said and pulled his face close to mine.
"I was thinking of doing this till morning." He said and kissed me again.
"I can't keep going until morning!"
I pulled his body closer to mine and I pulled his deeper into me. I longed for this desperately. America mkbed gently into me until I came, screaming his name.
I relaxed into the soft matress, wanting some rest, but America didn't seem to be over. I realised that he hadn't come still.
He picked me up gently and made me sit on his lap. My back was against his chest and I could feel his heart beat. It was fast and beating strong inside of America's chest.
Just when I thought it was all over, America layed me back on the bed and pushed my legs apart.
"Again?" I asked with a shaky voice.
"Please." He only said and I gave him a single nod. I shut my eyes, expect his member, and shen he finally entered me, moans escaped my mouth and I camed once, twice, but America wasn't over yet. When I came for the third time, Alfred layed next to me and started toying with me. I could hear his panting and feel his breath on my ears. That was enough for me to cum in his hand.
He picked on my nipples and thdn he leaned down to suck them. With one bite at them, a loud gasp was heard in the room that came from me. I pushed his head away from me and then I pushed him against the wall behind the bed. He looked confused at first, but then it was replaced by groans and gasps when I put his member in my mouth. He buried his hands in my hair and pushed me gently deeper into my mouth.
"Please, no, I'm coming!" He said through grunted teeth and tried to pull my head away, but I resisted, this time succeeding into overpowering him.
I sucked deeper and deeper and then I bite him gently and America moaned,clenching his fists in my hair. Soon after that I could feel the morning rays through my windows. I was too exhausted and tired and I instantly fell asleep in Alfred's lap.
I felt his hand on my cheek, caressing it gently and whispering soothing words to me.

Natsuhime: Hey, guys. I would appreciate if you commented more, i don't care fkr the votes, I just want to interact sith you more. It's gonna be fun!
England: Don't you think you're overdoing it?
Natsuhime: *grabbing Bulgaria's elbow* Did somebody ask you? No, now leave me with Bulgaria-san.

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