US x UK x Fr IX

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We were walking down the street, when suddenly I was pulled away from the group and into a dark alley.
This is it world, I'm about to die...
I thought to myself and shut my eyes, waiting for someone to kill me and steal away my organs or something. I waited and waited but nothing happened. I slowly opened them and saw the confused look on Gupta, a foreign student we have from Africa or middle east. I always forget, because he has brothers from all over there. Well, not actual brothers.
"Um, you're not here to kill me?" I asked and my voiced cracked, not because I was still hitting puberty, but because I'm was scared off my pants.
"What? No!" He said and a faint smile appeared on his face.
"Ah, good." I said and relief covered my body. "Soooo, why did you drag me here?" I asked.
"Cuz we need something." I heard one of his brothers say, Muhammad.
I heard that guy used to live in Saudi Arabia and was pretty religious, so I don't really wanna pick on him. Actually, most of Gupta's brothers are only his friends, but they share a strong connection and thus forming a brotherhood.
"What can I help you with?"
"We need to avenge someone." Said another voice and I looked to my left.
There was standing, Omar, Gupta's actual brother who was raised in Sudan. I don't know why one of them was raised in Egypt and the other one in Sudan and quiet frankly, I don't want to know.
I looked around and saw all of Gupta's brothers and I swear to God, I felt as if I was standing in the middle of a gang.
"W-w-what?" I stuttered. "Avenge someone?" I hope I heard wrong but these guys like to talk loud and clear so I doubt it.
"Yeah, one of our brothers was bullied by one of your friends." Omar said and pointed at someone who was standing in the shadows. I didn't see their face and I didn't want to.
"What am I doing in all this? And who bullied him?" I asked. I don't remember having a friend that bullied other people.
"Look here." Said Muhammad and put his hand on my shoulder and pinned me against the wall. "Your friend, Alfred"
"Yeah, what about him?"
"He has a close friend, the one from Israel. He keeps stealing my little brother's lunch." Muhammad said and turned his back on me. "We see you as an import pawn to get that guy to us."
"Why me? Why not Alfred?" I asked and frowned.
"Because you're special." Said Gupta with a soft smile and gaze.
"Special, my ass! Tell me- yikes!"
I jumped away from the sudden punch that was heading my way. I looked to my side and saw Muhammad, his fist against the wall. I looked carefully and saw that the wall was cracked a little bit.
Jeez. A second late and I was dead meat!
"Was that enough motivation for you to get going?" Omar said from the other side and smirked.
"Yeah." I said and tried to sneak away, but someone grabbed my arm as I was about to run.
"No need for running. We'll catch you anyways." Said Gupta and a dark smirk crawled on his face.

Sorry, no smut yet 😈😈
But at least we got some middle eastern nations introduced.

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