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Natsuhime: I think you guys went sth like: "About damn time you started writing again"........sorry 😅😅


I had a final glance towards the mirror as I was going out to meet Mathew. I'm supposed to meet him at the train station not far from here, because he's staying in Germany for only about a week or so. Too bad....
I wanted him to stay longer this time, but what could I possibly do? Mathew comes often here, but if he stayed with me, God knows what mess Alfred will cause. Of course, his brother can come too, but honestly no one can stand his big mouth here...and those damn burgers! How does he eat so much and never get fat? I need to know his secret.

"Kseksekse, if he comes here, I'll teach him what real beer taste like, and how sausages are way better than that burger meat." I smirked and finally went outside.

I tried to wear my best cloths today. A red shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans and some accessories for my neck and pale hands. I hope that I didn't go too overdressed... I'm just excited to meet Mathew again and to be able to hold him again. Thankfully, I arrived just few minutes before the train arrived, which came from Amsterdam to way down to Frankfurt. I don't know why he didn't want to take the me. Maybe he was too tired from the flight that took him from Canada to here?

"Gilbert!" I heard a soft, yet loud voice coming from somewhere between all the passengers that were arriving here. I looked around and finally saw Mathew running towards me with only a backpack and a plastic bag. "You're here!" He exclaimed as he ran.

"Of course I came, you dummie! I won't look very awesome if I don't, don't you think?" I laughed and with a swift move, I hugged Mathew and lifted him off the ground.  By now he's very much used to it, but I could feel his body tense up as I did it.

"Yeah, you should stay awesome, just like maple syrup!" He also laughed and game me a soft kiss on the lips.

"Oh my...I was upgraded to awesome level: maple syrup. I think I can handle such a noble title." I said and with my index finger, I gently poked the tip of his nose. "By the way, where's your luggage?" I asked.

"Oh, I only brought my backpack. I don't think I need my whole closet for a week." Mathew slipped his hand in mine and both of us went walking out holding hands.

As we were walking, I noticed a small Caffè just at the corner of a small street. I gently pulled Mathew with me inside. It was kinda cold for the beginning of September, so going inside was probably a good idea.

"Wanna order something?" I asked as the waiter came towards us five minutes later.

"Nah, you something." He said and looked out of the window.

I turned towards the waiter, who turned out to be a beautiful lady with shiny blond hair, "Could we have two black tea?"

"Of course." She answered and smiled warmly. Not long after that the tea was served and both of us started talking about what had happened in the past couple of days.

"Really?" At this point I was dying out of laughter. It turns out once Alfred was so drunk that he "accidentally" had slept with a beautiful woman. The next day he called Ivan,crying and weeping, telling him that he wasn't a worthy boyfriend, that he cheated on him and now they need to break up. Turns out the beautiful woman was actually Ivan.

"YES! I saw the whole thing, but I never thought Alfred wouldn't recognise Ivan. He confused him with a woman!" Mathew said and chuckled. "Wow, it wad such a night."

"I need to see this with my own eyes!" As I said that, I was brushing some tears off of my eyes. "Oh, stop it. You're making me cry."

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"How typical of you. Stop apologising for real, I was just joking!" I said.

"Really? Sorry..." He said as he looked down towards his empty cup.

"There we go again." I wanted to comfort him, but reimagined what had happened with Alfred and I laughed again. Mathew looked up and smiled. I guess this worked better.

Most of the day had passed in the Caffè, and then at the center of the town. We were just sightseeing, but at one point we got tired and decided to return to my apartment.

"Mathew?" I slowly closed the door and looked at Mathew, who just put his bag at the floor.

"Hmm?" He looked up and then shook his head. "I know that look. No way." He said and raised his hands in retreat.

"Please." I pleaded and went closer to him. I pinned him against the wall with no means of escape.

"I know how you feel, but can't it wait?" He raised one of his eyebrows in question and gave me a half smile.

"You just said that you knew how I felt. Do you think I can hold it in a little bit more?"

The only thing he did was raise his shoulders and show me his hand, his thumb and index fingers just millimetres away from each other. I replied with shaking my head to both sides. His shoulders relaxed and breathed out a long sign.

"I was hoping that you'll help me hold it in too, but I see its useless." He said and held my head between his hands. He broke the distance between us, and suddenly we were kissing passionately until we reached my bedroom. I took Matthew's shirt off and he took mine off, together with all the accessories.
I looked at his eyes once we finished kissing and then I started to leave soft kisses down his body. I unbuttoned his pants and with one move, he was already completely naked. I turned around to look for the bottle of lube I always leave somewhere, only to find it on the bed right next to me. Oh yeah....I don't need to explain what happened yesterday, hehehe.
I put a small portion on my hand and slowly, but gently I inserted one finger inside. I heard his moan getting louder with ever move, which motivated me to put one more finger and finally start on stretching it.
I could feel the bulge in my pants getting bigger and hotter, but I needed to wait for Mathew to get ready.
I looked at him, but he had his eyes closed and his mouth was wide open. I moved slightly towards him and started kissing him once more. Small moans escaped him as I moved a little bit differently or I went a little bit deeper with my fingers.
Not long after that I removed them and I started on stoking his member. I could feel he was about to come.

"Please... I...can't hold back!" He said between our kiss.

"Then don't." I whispered and then a load gasp left Matthew's mouth as he came. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were locked on the white ceiling.
I reached for my black bandana and covered his eyes.


"Shhhh, just feel." I said as I was entering him. Mathew was laying down on the bed, so I had perfect view of his body. He opened his mouth widely but no sound escaped. "Does it feel good?"

"Perfect." He barely whispered before he gasped.

I stated to thrust deeper in and with ever move I got faster and faster. I could hear the sound of the bed creaking under our pressure, but sometimes it was covered over by Matthew's heavy breathing. I leaned a little bit closer to him and stared to nib on his nipple. Slowly, his hands came on my head and his fingers grasped my silver hair.

"Please...Im about to come again..." He said and I could feel him gently pulling my hair.

I thrusted even deeper and I could feel my body suddenly become way hotter and suddenly I released myself inside of him.
I came out and rested my body on top of his as I whispered loving murmurs in his ear.

"I love you..."

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