US x UK x Fr II

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The sun was bright as I was walking from the station to my school. While listening to some music, I spotted Alfred in the distance waving at me. I waved back and smiled widely. Just when I arrived, I was greeted with a bear hug from him and I felt as if my bones were about to get crushed. I tried to push him away, but it was futile, he was too strong for me, obviously...
Suddenly I felt this disturbing presence, when out of no where I saw the substitute teacher. I felt waves of depression coming down my head. I felt Alfred's strong grip on my shoulders, shaking me back and forth and asking what's wrong. All that left my mouth was some nonhuman noises and incoherent words.
"What's wrong with him?" Asked the French and I quickly regained my posture.
"Nothing's wrong." I said and glared at him.
"Okey..." He said and looked at Alfred with a confused look on his face. Alfred only shook his head and shrugged.
After that, the teacher entered one of the supermarkets and I clearly saw that he brought a bottle of wine .
"That wanker!" I thought to myself. "A bottle of wine....In school."
Soon after that I took my words...thoughts back when I saw that he put the bottle in his  car. It was a black BMW, one of those little old ones that everybody has.
As I was doing my business at school, I saw the guy in one of the little grade classes. I stood there, paralysed by the view I saw. He was teaching the little ones french and the man was literaly glowing, dancing even whenever he helped one of the kids. From this point of view he didn't seem all that bad...Bloody hell, what the heck was I saying?!

Ahum, back to what I was thinking, that guy is a total frog. I'm going to call him Frog from now on.

This day dragged itself on and on and I couldn't keep up more than this! Fortunetly, my class got to finish soon and I was given the choice to go home, but I choose not to. Stupid, right? I just wanted to stay with Alfred and maybe I could annoy Frog a little more.

After the break finished, I went to the school office and sat there. It's normal for students here to stay in the office and chat with the other teachers. Sitting there, I had a chat with the nurse and we were having a really good conversation until a certain man decided to pop up and ruin my mood. He stood in front of me and sat there. He had a bright smile on his face and he was staring at me with eyes so blue, it was almost impossible for someone to have blue eyes like those.

"What do you want?" Asked the nurse. As expected from her, she was not compeled by his charming beauty, either because she was like that with everybody, or she was just fairly old.

"Nothing. I just came here to join your lovely chat." He said and gave me a warm smile. "I see you have dazzling men in this school!" He exclaimed and kept looking at me. The nurse and I kept silent for, like, five minutes until he corrected himself. "No, I don't mean it like that. The girls are pretty too, but I just wanted to make a complement." He said and laughed akwardly.

"For a second I thought you were straight as a circle."The nurse said under her breath and luckily I was the only one who heard her, and it was pretty hard for me to stop my giggling.

"What's wrong?"The Frog asked conserned.

"Nothing to worry your pretty head for."I said and smiled sarcastically at him.

"What's going on here?" Asked a Alfred from behind me and I swear my soul left my body for a second. I turned around and scoulded him for what he did. At first he was confused , but then he rubbed the back of his head and apologised.

"Is he your bestfriend?" Asked Frog and looked at both of us.

Out of the blue, don't ask me why I did this, but I put my leg crouch level on Alfred and put my hand around his neck. "Nah, we're lovers." It seemed helarious at first, but I regreted it the moment I did it. I saw some kind of disapointment in his eyes and Alfred was blushing like a schoolgirl. That caused me to blush and my face turned into the color of tomatos.

"Oh, I see then." Frog said and put a fake smile.

"Wait, man!"Alfred said and pushed me gently off him. He went to the teacher and whispered something in his ear.He brighted up and smiled sincerly. I don't know why, but this made me jealous for a second.

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