Ancient Egypt's sister?

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Ancient Egypt: *doing her stuff, drawing and doing pots*

*le wild country appears* : BOO!

Ancient Egypt: *not phased at all* Better luck next time, Lower Egypt.

Lower Egypt (ancient Egypt's forgotten sister): Just because you're the Upper Egypt doesn't mean you're better than me!

Upper Egypt: Oh yeah, well, people remember me, while you're sitting here, slowly fading away.

Lower Egypt: Ah~ should I feel offended? At least I can go peacefully, while you have that brat to raise.

Upper Egypt: Excuse you, but that brat is my son and he will be a great nation one day. Ruling over my land and yours in the future.

Rome: Ladies, ladies, no need to fight, the young boy is gonna be a great nation one day indeed, but why are you fighting? Is it only because of that?

Lower Egypt: You needed to come from the start, I'm not repeating why we  "fought".

Upper Egypt: Wait, we were fighting? Is that right, sister?

Lower Egypt: Apparently yes.

Persia: Wow, they're at it again?

Asyria: Yeah, good thing Lower Egypt don't have a child. I mean, can you imagine the damage? *laughs*

Persia: Remember when they used to be one? Ugh, that was terrible.  You never knew when she'll snap! But now it's easier to say which one is the crazy one and which one is not.

Asyria: Are you saying only one of them is? Brother, one of them is obviously crazy, while the other one is patiently waiting for karma to fuck you up.

Upper and Lower Egypt: WE CAN HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW!

Rome: *Quietly runs away while smiles awkwardly.*

* Le 4000 years later*
Egypt: I'm the greatest nation!
Sudan: No, I AM!
Egypt: Please, you barely can handle your government.
Sudan: Government? At least I have one! *narrows eyes*
Syria: Oh, not this again... *sigh*
Iraq: Please, someone wake me up when  they stop acting like children!

*Up, somewhere in the heavens*

Upper Egypt: You just had to, right?

Lower Egypt: Had to what? *obviously knows what her sister is taking about*

Upper Egypt: You just couldn't bare the though of me having children and you not. You ways believed to be the better one!



Lower Egypt: From now on, I will ignore you.

Upper Egypt: Fine!

Asyria: I swear to God, they just gave birth to their mini selves.
Pesia: Tell me about it.
Ancient Greece: Good thing I never had a sibling, that would be a disaster! How do people live with other blood relatives? Ugh..

*literally all the ancient middle eastern empires*: Are you kidding me right now?

((YOOOOO😂😂 I know some of ya, if not all of you, will be hella confused so let me pour some knowledge into y'all heads:
In ancient times, Egypt was divided into two Kingdom: lower and upper Kingdoms (Sudan and egypt respectively).
It's funny to me how they named them "upper" and "lower" Egypt and not like the usual south and North.

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