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I just want to say that I don't really ship FrUk, so this might suck a little. 

Please enjoy the amout of yaoi I tried to put into this *mischievous smile*


"Why, the bloody hell, are we trapped here?!" I asked and tried to push France away, but it was futile. We were closed in this tight closet by that wanker, America. He said something about 'getting along' with this other bloody wanker, but I don't see the logic in this. 

I was trapped forever in this hell hole, my back pressed against France's chest. I could tell his breathing was heavy, but I still wonder why is he so quiet. There's no trace of his french gibberish or love quots, only heavy breathing.

When I could no longer take the silence, I asked him why was he so silent and he just said "Your below." At first I didn't understand it, until I could sence the lump behind me. I just realized that the whole time I was pushing against that area. How the bloody hell did I not notice that?

France began to unzip his pants when I tried to push his hands away from him. "Dont you bloody dare do it here!"I yelled.

"But it began to hurt, I need let the thing out." He said and was finally able to release his member. I quickly looked infront of me and tried to pull myself away from him.

"Can't you hold it a little longer...Wait a second...Who are you thinking of, wanker?"

"Um,.. with all your pushing against that area I began to think some things about you...."

"WHAT BLOODY THINGS?!"I asked and snapped my neck towards him.

"Well, you know, those things."France said and shrugged.

"Oh my God, could you deal with it faster?" I said and frowned at him.

"I'll try, but I'll need some real material to think of." He said. To me, it didn't make sence until he started to unzip me. I tried to shrug myself out of him, but his grip was deadly over both of my hands. He was able to release my member and he began to stroke it, up down, up down, repeat. Accidently, I let out a moan and France took it as a sign of me accepting him and began to slid my pants off me.

"What are you doing?"I asked angrily and tried to free my hands, but he was stronger and was able to bend me a little towards him. I was about to ask him another question when I could feel one of his fingers inside there. I wanted to resist, but strangely, it felt so good that I was almost going to ask for more.

When France saw that I stopped resisting, he pushed two fingers inside of me and with the other, he started to stroke my member once again. I could no longer keep the moans to myself. With every move, I let out a moan and France began faster and faster until I almost came. Then he suddenly stopped and I could feel his hard, hot member at my entrance. I was just about to resist when he pushed it all the way in and my mouth was full of groans and inhuman noises.

"Sorry if it hurts, mon cherie."France said and massaged  my back until I was used to his member. When I calmed down, he began to move slowly, then he moved faster until I was banging against the wall of the closet, strings of saliva coming out of my mouth.

I could no longer keep it inside of me, so I let out my cum all over the wall and France pulled out of me and I felt his warm liquids on my back. I was so tired, I couldn't say anything, even when France pulled me into his soft embrace and whispered sweet words to my ear.

After a while, I heard the door unlock and there was standing America, with a big grin on his face. "You guys ready?"He asked and I jumped on top of him, strangling the life out of him and France trying to calm me down.

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