Bulgaria 2

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Natsuhime:Hey, can I ask something?
Greece: ....What?
Natsuhime : What was Bulgaria like, before he lost Slavia?
Greece: He was...um, he was a lot like his big brother.
Natsuhime : He has a brother? *shocked*
Greece : Yeah, but he died a long time ago, way before Slavia.
Natsuhime : Oh, how was he?
Greece : He was really nice, but also terrifying. He looks a lot like Bulgaria only he was taller and way more muscular. He fought really hard to protect his people and that made him reach far, but of course, every nation has to fall. Not much is known about his death, or at least I don't know much. *yawn* His name was Trakia, by the way, he liked cats, just like I do. *pets the nearest cat*
Natsuhime: How did Bulgaria react to his death?
Turkey: You don't need to ask.
Russia: Just don't.
Poland : Like, youuu reaaally don't need to know.
Natsuhime : But I wanna know. *pout*
Turkey: Well, if you insist, he went on a rampage.
Russia : What he did when Slavia died fades in comparison to what he did when his big brother died.
Turkey : *shivers* I still remember when I tried to talk to him during that time. He isolated himself from the world, so like a good friend I tried to talk to him, but he only pushed me away. It wasn't the push that made me regret going to him, but it was the words he spoke.
Poland: They cut deeper than any blade.
Natsuhime : So, what did he say.....*stops when seeing the nation's faces*
Russia : *dark eyes*
Turkey: *shadow covered his face*
Poland : *refuses to make eye contact*
Greece : *looks like he's about to cry* He looked up to me like a brother, but I didn't even see him when Trakia died. Shit, I wasn't even there when Slavia died. I know I hated the guy, but he was still Bulgaria's friend. Only friend at that time.
Turkey : *pats Greece's shoulder* Don't worry, at least you weren't the cause of his friend's death.
Greece : *glares at him*
Serbia: Yo, watcha' dudes talking about?
Natsuhime : Hey, you know something about Trakia?
Serbia: Oh, yeah, I know some stuff about him. Like the part he died way before I was born.
Natsuhime : Only that?
Serbia : Yeah...
Macedonia: Oh, uncle Trakia? He was awesome!
Serbia : How would you know? You weren't even born!
Macedonia : Just because I wasn't born at that time, doesn't mean I can't get interested. *pout*
Greece : So you could go stealing his history! *glares at Macedonia too*
Macedonia : *glares back*
Greece and Macedonia : *having a glare contest*
Turkey : *decides to join too*
Natsuhime : *facepalm* They're at it again.
Russia : Can I go join too? ^J^
Macedonia, Greece and Turkey: No!
Russia : T J T K....
Bulgaria : *happy* Hey, why is everybody in my house?
Poland: I ran out of yoghurt, so I came for some. Like, your yoghurt is the best!
Egypt : They were talking about Trakia.
Everybody: *gasps of horror*
Bulgaria : * smiles *
Bulgaria : * wider smile*
Bulgaria : * still smiling *
Greece : Um, we can explain....
Bulgaria : * smiling *
*Le Time Skip*
Everybody : *visit Egypt's house*
Egypt : Why are you all here?
Greece : We promise we'll do it as less painful as possible.
Egypt : What will you do less painful? *excited*
Russia : Oh, no, I'll do it as painful as possible. ^J^
Macedonia and Serbia : Me too.
Turkey : I came for blood and I'll get some.
Egypt : Um, wait, blood? *gulp*
Everybody : *nod heads mischievously*
Egypt : Can we at least talk about this? *nervous sweating*
Poland : How about no? *evil grin*
Egypt : Somebody please HELP ME!!!!!!
Sudan: *enjoys a cup of tea while listening to Egypt's cries from the other foom* Ahhh, what a nice day to be alive!
Algeria : You really are twisted. ._.
Sudan : Mmmmyeahh....

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