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Switzerland : I'm perfectly fine alone! No cozy allowed!
Austria : Then I guess Germany's asshole isn't that cozy...
Switzerland : >\\\<
Bulgaria : *o*
Egypt: Ouyyyyyyy... Xb
Natsuhime : Soooo, does Austria ship Germany x Switzerland? *^*
Bulgaria :  Don't do it.
Natsuhime : Cuz that tip is going to touch the skies and its not the Alps.
Egypt : -.-' Someone kill this human being before I kill myself.
Fem!Egypt: I'll gladly help you with the second part.
Sudan: Count me in!
Libiq: ME TOO
Egypt : And I thought you were my brothers.
Greece: *already halp asleep* Don't... worry, I'll help you, Egypt. *yawn*
Egypt : T.T I knew you were  my friend! *tears of joy*
Greece: Now tell me what type of rope do you want... or do you prefer a gun.
Egypt: wat?

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