Pokemon Go!

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Natsuhime: It's not fair! *pout* I don't get to download the game! I WANNA PLAY THE GODDAMN GAME, DAMN IT!
Egypt: Chill! I don't even know if they're gonna release it soon in Africa or Asia. At least you know in Europe it's gonna be released soon.
Natsuhime: Yeah, but I don't care how you feel, I'm the sad one here!
Sudan: *freaked out by my screeching* What's up with her? And why is she in out house?
Libya: First, she can't download a stupid game-
Literally all the nations: *screaming at him* IT'S NOT A STUPID GAME!!
Libya: *not affected at all and continues on* As I was saying, she can't download a ridiculously famous game and now she's mad. Second, she's here because she suddenly popped up from nowhere.
Egypt: She came to me so we can cuddle...
Sudan: And you accepted?
Egypt: I had no choice...
America: Don't tell me she's one of those crazy fangirls that held a knife against you or something?
Egypt: *doing the 'what the fuck' face* Hell no, she's part Egyptian so I didn't mind, and she asked politely.
Sudan: And what the hell are you doing here?
America: Oh, I was just passing by to the way to Russia.
Egypt: By going through North Africa and the middle East? Seriously?
America: *scratching the back of his head* *nervous laughter * I actually got lost...hehehe...
Saudi Arabia: IN AFRICA
America: I'm not very good at directions,sorry. Oh, and I was playing pokemon go and I didn't really see where I was going and which plane I was heading. Hmm, all that I saw on my way was only Ratata , but I found a pikachu! How fun is that!?
Natsuhime: Don't you dare say how fun is that or I'll slit your throat!
America: hmm...okay? I'm outa here!
Egypt: Good.
Natsuhime: Now, where was I? Aha! *goes to Egypt and grabs his hand*
Egypt: Where are we going?
Natsuhime: *sits on the couch with him covered with a blanket and hugs Egypt close* *Pokemon starts playing on the TV*
Egypt: Hmm, I'm ok with that.
Sudan:*in the distance , jealous* ......can I join you guys?
Natsuhime:...mmmm, yeah. Come ahead!
Sudan: YAAAS! *jumps right in*

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