UK x US x Fr VII

622 18 1

I just couldn't stop myself. That guy was touching me in places I never thought they would bring me pleasure. The neck, the chest...
I was down on his king sized bed and he was topping me, touching every inch of my body. I tried to stop, but couldn't. A small moan escaped my mouth and suddenly everything stopped.
I looked at Francis and there was shock all over his face. He refused to look at me and when he finally did, he started to apologise uncontrollably.
I just got to my senses and pushed him off me. I looked at myself and saw that my shirt was off me and there were kiss marks all over my chest.
I gasped and grabbed Francis by his collar and pushed him against the bed.
"The hell you did with me?!" I asked with rage when the door suddenly opened and Alfred came in.
Like, the Alfred I know just came in the room at the worst time ever!
"Wh-... WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? " I asked almost yelling, but he just stood there.
"I come here...regularly. What are you...?" He didn't even finish his question when he turned around and fled the place.
"WAIT!! Alfred..." I immediately stood up and ran after him, but I was too slow. He just vanished into the night.
As I looked back, I swear for a moment I saw a shadow cover his face, as if he was really sad... It made me sad.
I didn't even think of going back and going to the frog looking for answers. I just found my way home and when I arrived in just lay on my bed and started to think about what was happening.
I felt pleasure as Francis touched me but felt sadness as Alfred saw me. Could it be that I really....
Like them both?
Is that even possible?
Can it even work?
Why the frog?
Why Alfred?
Why me?

Egypt:I know I agreed in some smut, just be patient. 😏😌

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