I don't know what to do with my life

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Natsuhime : Someone give me suggestions!
England : You better don't write something else, or I'm not talking to you for a whole month.
Natsuhime : Fine, I have Bulgaria on my side. *grabs Bulgaria's hand* He has no problem, what so ever.
Bulgaria : *blushes* I didn't say I was ok with it.
Natsuhime : *slams his back* Of course you don't have any problem!
Bulgaria : But-
Natsuhime : *narrows eyes at him*
Bulgaria : I don't have any problems with it mister Arthur.
England : Don't just fall for her trap! >.<
France : What's happening?
England : Don't even ask, frog face.
America : Basically, our friend here *slams my back* wants some suggestions about a new ship.
England : where the hell did you come from?!
France : *evil smirk* A ship? Hehehe, lets do another FrUk?
England : No way, I'm not doing this again.
Natsuhime : Oh, yes you will. If someone suggests it, I'll definitely doing it. Muahahahah *cough* sorry.

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