US x UK x Fr V

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Well this was a drag...😧😧 UglyLittleDuckling
Why did I feel that?
Was it because nobody I'm not friends with saw me, or was it that....Alfred kissed me?
I shook my head in disbelief and sat somewhere, my back against the wall. No way did I felt relief because of that. I'm a perfectly straight high school boy that's about to graduate.
Sure you are...
Said that tiny voice again and I felt a bulge forming in my pants the more I think about it.
How embarrassing! I'm getting hard over a kiss with a guy! Is it even possible for me to be...?
"Hey." Said a soft voice and I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.
When I looked up, I saw that Francis had been awfully close to me and was leaning forward so he can look me straight in the eyes. Maybe...? What if I really am?
I raised my hand and put it on his cheek, my head coming closer to his. Francis looked genuinely surprised, but he didn't move. My eyes closed gently and my lips barely touched his when I already felt kind of hot.
I could feel his palm going from my shoulder to my neck and then to the back of my head, grabbing my hair gently. He pushed my head slightly towards himself and our lips finally met.
I never knew someone can get this aroused by only a kiss. I grabbed his head and deepened the kiss, only separating for air. His other hand went for my chest and started to unbutton it, when suddenly he pushed me away.
I sat in shock as I recalled what I did. I looked at Francis with tears forming in my eyes, shaking my head from side to side.
"Sorry... I didn't mean....Im terribly sorry!" I said and stood up.
My legs ran, I don't know where was I going, but I wanted it to be as far away from him as possible.
I kissed him! I kissed the frog!
My mind was a mess and when I came to, I was somewhere unknown. I wondered around, looking for a bus stop and when I finally saw one, I didn't recognise it. I was never here before and I don't recall hearing this bus stop's name before.
I sat down and waited for a bus to come.
Fifteen minutes.... Twenty minutes....Nothing till now.
The day was already over and darkness covered every inch of my body. Even rain started to fall and there was no way to hide from it. The ceiling of the stop was torn down and all I could see was the dark clouds. Looking down at the puddle that was forming underneath me, I started to think about what happened today and my mood just worsened.
Why did this happen to me? Of all people, why me?
I was already in deep thought when somebody grabbed me and pulled me inside their car. I didn't react untill a few minutes later.
"The fuck...?!" I almost yelled and started to hit the driver next to me.
" Stop it or we'll end up in a car accident!" The man yelled and I realised it was Francis' voice.

Hetalia Ships/ Randomness [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now