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A couple of days passed and none of us said a word. Alfred avoided me and I avoided Francis and he avoided Alfred.
Hhh, we came a full circle. Just like our sexuality.
One day, without any thought, I joined a group of my classmates to the center of the town and had quite fun, but my mind kept drifting to that night. They brought a friend, Matthew Williams, who studied in another school but was close to my classmates. He looked like a fun guy, quite quiet, but fun.
Out if nowhere they had to appear. Alfred and Francis were coming this way from two different directions. I had no way to flee, I was in a cafeteria with only two entrances and both of them were now filled with the image of the people I don't want to meet right now.
Ughh, seriously life? I wanna be fucked but not by you.
It looks like I was the only one noticing both of them. I tried to ignore them, but it was hard, especially when all three of us noticed each other.
I sensed that each one of us wanted to leave, but Alfred was pulled by the arm by Gilbert and Francis was caught with a conversation with Antonio. There was no going back, I didn't want to cut off the lovely conversation I had with Matthew, and then the brilliant idea hit my head.
I knew this was cruel of my side, but I wanted to see their reaction if I flirted with him.
How will Matthew respond? Well, after I understood he was gay, it'll be quite easy.
Oookeyy~ My flirt attempt #1.
After a while, I just gave up. That guy may be funny but he is so dense.
Like, you no see me miserably flirting with you?!
Just when I thought all hope is lost, I saw the faces of both Francis and Alfred. Both of them were red of anger and their fists were clenched tight.
All the way through, I would eventually hold hands with Matthew or bring myself closer to him.
Now let's see who wants me more...

Hetalia Ships/ Randomness [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now