Flirting With Belarus

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*After the fail attempt with Sudan and Fem! Egypt, Egypt finally brought up the courage to talk to Belarus*

Egypt: Hey, are you a Jinn?

Belarus: What?

Egypt: Then I guess that's a no... Then, by any chance are you a ginny?

Belarus: Um, I don't know..maybe?

Egypt: Because you make my wishes come true.

Belarus: -.-"

Sudan: *whispers in the exact same tone that Egypt said it last time* Give it up, you're too soft for a monster like her.

Egypt: We'll see...*goes back to Belarus* Yo, last time I saw a body like yours, I was burying it in my basement.

Belarus: *is shockingly interested now* You know... I have the perfect body, but it's head isn't attached anymore.

Egypt: Hmm, the voices in my head were right to choose you.

Belarus: And my voices always told me you had the cutest smile when you sleep.

Egypt: *isn't bothered by this new discovery*

*le Egypt and Belarus are having the time of their lives, while Russia is glad that there's at least one person twisted like her*

Syria: Yo, dude. We totally lost him.

Sudan: I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

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