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Oooyyy~ Someone's getting laid tonight...
As I looked next to me, I saw the old frog driving and concentrating on the road. I had a clear view of his face, and may I admit, he did look kinda attractive. Well, if he wasn't, I wasn't going to kiss him, duh.
Which reminds me of me kissing him of all people.
"Stop thinking about it." I heard him say.
"Huh?" I looked at him with a confused face.
"Stop thinking about it, I can clearly see that  forming between your legs." He simply said.
My brain slowly absorbed the information and I quickly grabbed my jacket and put it over me when I realised what was he talking about.
"You perv!" I said and turned a deep shade of red.
"I'm not a perv. And you pool so cute while blushing!" He said and caressed my cheek. I pushed it away from me and he simply smirked. "Still in denial?"
"About what?"
"Kissing my tasty lips." He said and an even greater smirk crept on his face.
"Bloody hell, no! Why would you think that?" I said and looked out of the window trying to hide my blush.
"It's pretty obvious, really."
"Where the hell are we going?" I said as I didn't recognise this road.
"To my place." He said and looked at me with eyes that I didn't see before. They were burning...But with what?
"You need to dry and we need to talk about..." He went silent, but I know what was he talking about.
As he was driving towards his place, I tried to memorise the road, just in case if he tried to do something.
At the end, it turned out that he really was going for his home, and it looked kind of good.
I didn't expect anything else from a French.
After he gave me towels and I dried my self, both of us sat on the sofa and drank a cup of tea. None of us knew how to start so I looked at him and went directly at him. I wanted to say that I didn't meant it, but that idiot....
He kissed me the moment I layed eyes on him.
The bad part is... I responded with a kiss too.
I don't know what I was doing. One moment we were on the sofa.....the other, well, somehow I ended up in his bedroom.

Hetalia Ships/ Randomness [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now