My Child, Sina

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*le Egypt and Sudan have a huge fight*

Egypt: Why should I feel responsible for the mistakes you did?
Sudan: I'm falling apart just because you left me alone. Now, my people want to divide me and you know damn well what that means! After all, your very own mother was divided too.
Egypt: Don't bring mother into this!
Sudan: I'll bring her to this topic as I what. Did you know how she made my mom feel? WORTHLESS
Egypt: You know what's worthless? The fact that my very own father left me just to look after his other son.....the superior son.
Sudan: I don't wanna know what your dad did! And by the way, your father's mistake is NOTHING compared to what you had to do to your very own daughter!.
Saudi Arabia: Hey! Sudan, you know this is a sensitive topic!
Sudan: He should remember what he did to her! You know how precious she was to us!...And at the end...he killed her.
Emirates: Sudan!
Sudan: What? I'm the one that should be cared for, not this murderer's feelings!
Libya: We know, but leave Sina out if this.
Morocco: I agree with Libya. We know you have a difficult time right now, but don't make Egypt remember her.
Sudan: He killed a child. If he didn't care for her, do you think he'll care for any of you? He just follows orders like some damn robot!
Egypt: *his back against the wall, about to faint* Please, I'm begging you, I'll do anything you want, just...make me forget about her....
Sudan: Like hell I'm gonna do that. Remember what you did to her. Now look at me and tell me you don't  wanna do the same thing with me.
Egypt: *pause*
Sudan: SEE? I told you he doesn't care...
Egypt: *leaves the room and slams the door behind him*
Bulgaria: What the hell happened?
Saudi Arabia: Sudan was being inconsiderate and brought up Egypt's daughter in this horrible topic.
Bulgaria:.....Egypt had a daughter?
Greece:.......He finally did it?
Turkey:.....He had a woman?
Romania:......He had a family?
France: *gasp*
England: *gasp*
Germany: *gasp*
World: *gasp*
Universe: *gasp*
Emirates: Yeah...Yeah...he had all that but lost are you happy that you learned about it? God....keeping a secret is so hard these days....
America: I know right? One day I pissed in Matthew's mailbox....too bad he found out by his damn bear, and I told him to keep it a secret!
Emirates: ........ -.- What we're talking about and look what're you talking about.
America: *goofy face* what?
The whole middle east and North of Africa : *ultra mega face palm*

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