US x UK x Fr

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A/N: UglyLittleDuckling Lullu-chan Yoooooo, you know *wink wink*
I was running late for my English classes, when out of the blue Alfred came running towards me and hugged me real tight. I tried to push him away, but he was just too strong.
"Hey, dude, did you hear about the new teacher?" He asked and grabbed both of my shoulders and shook me hard back and forth.
"New teacher?" I was confused. "I know nothing. " I looked at my watch and gasped. "Let me go! I'm going to get late." I shook my way out of his grip and went straight to my class.
Oddly enough, the teacher was getting late and that was kind of strange for her. She was always at time and now the whole class was in chaos just because she was late. I was begun to panic, but then the door opened and the room went silent.
A tall figure entered the class, all styled up, long blond curls were covering the sides of his face and the back was put in a side ponytail, a faint beard was covering his fair skin and his glasses put an extra hint of attractiveness.
I don't know why, but my chest felt tight and my heartbeat went way too fast. I felt my face turn bright red and I guess the man saw it too, because when he looked at me, a quiet giggle escaped his mouth.
"Great Arthur! You made a fool out of yourself in front of the new student!" I scolded myself.
"Hey,class!" The man said with a soft and melodic accent, and a deep voice.
His accent was quite familiar. Slow, sluggish even, and....annoying. As if he was f-
"I'm your substitute teacher! I'll be giving you some French lessons and yes, I am indeed French." He said and bowed slightly as all the girls screamed in delight.
I knew it! That guy was French!
And there's nothing I hate more than French stuff.
That was a complete turn off!!.....wait,what? Turn off? I was turned on by this frog?
The class went terribly slow and the minute the bell rang I shoot my self out of the room.
Unbelievable! That guy was so annoying, it physically hurt.
"Dude, how was your class?" I heard Alfred ask and I told him everything. "I was about to tell you about him."
"Then why didn't you?!"
"Sheesh, calm down bro, I wanted to tell you, but you just ran off." He explained and sighed. "I thought you would deal this better,but I had false hope. Not a single French! A single one that you like. What do you hate so much about them?"
"Just because! I don't see the need for you to know." I said and turned my head to the other side.
"Ah, come on! I'm yo lil' bro, tell me." He persisted.
"You're not really my little brother, you know that." I said and sighed. "Come on, we'll be late for our other class."
"Yeah yeah..." Alfred rolled his eyes and walked behind me. I went to my respective classroom, but Alfred seemed to follow right behind me.
"As you already know, " I started and pointed to the classroom next to mine, "your room is over there."
"Can't I join just the first few minutes?" He asked and his face went closer to mine. I don't know why, but I could feel butterflies somewhere deep in my body and it was creeping me out at the same time. Alfred's face came even closer and I took a step back, that didn't seem to bother him and after a second I could sense his breath on my ear. "Please...,we have math now." He whispered into my ear and sent shivers down my spine.
"Geez, do you have to be this close?" I asked and pushed him away. Alfred just winked at me and raised his hand, waving at me and turning his back on me to get to his class. "That boy..." I whispered, but then all my body moved in a strange, sick way and I shook my head. "No way!" I simply said and entered my class with a confused look on my face.
I don't know why, but Alfred made me feel strange.
And lets not talk about the substitute teacher.
I need to straighten up!

Natsuhime : Thats just a small part. I wanted to post all of it, but whats the fun in that?
Egypt : Yeah, let  the poor readers suffer slowly until you finally get your ass moving and start writing. *frown*
Bulgaria : Ummm, I wanted more material. *pout*
Egypt : * patting Alex's head* Don't worry. I have a feeling some, ahum, materials are coming this away and let me tell you it's not from the writer.
Bulgaria : * confused * What?
Egypt : * points at Romania* *smiles wickedly*
Bulgaria : * gasps * *turns extremely red and begins to stutter*

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