Attack on Dad Jokes (yes again)

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Sudan: Yo, what time did the man go to the dentist?
America: Idk?
Sudan: *holding a laugher in* Tooth hurt-y!
Egypt: Ha Ha *poker face*
Sudan to America: So...You're American when you go into the bathroom, and you're American when you come out, but do you know what you are while you're in there?
America: I swear, this will end with either of us dead. Either I kill you or I die laughing. *long pause* Tell me XD
Sudan: European. HA!
France: Let me get a shot at this. *clears throat* Did you know the first French fries weren't actually cooked in France? *France walks to Greece and looks him from head to toe* They were cooked in Greece. And a fine one too. *blows kiss*
Egypt: Ugh....
Sudan to Egypt: Don't be so annoyed. Listen, I have a series question for you.
Egypt: Do you think I can hear it without strangling you?
Sudan: Of couuuuurse!
Egypt: fine...
Sudan: How do brave Egyptians write?
Egypt: What do you mean? You know damn well how we used to write.
Morocco: Is it by any chance.... With Hero-glyphics? *highfives Sudan and then runs away from Egypt*

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