US x UK x Fr IV

706 21 5

I was invited today to some café near our school and like 5 people were going. At first, I didn't want to go, but Alfred kept pulling me towards the café.
Already inside and seated, I saw my dear old mate... The frog.
"Why the bloody hell is he here?" I whispered into Alfred's ear and glared towards Francis.
"Chill, dude." He said and gave me a weird look. "Can't the man have a good time?"
I sighed and rolled my eyes, "I guess you're right."
A female waiter came to us and took our orders with a bright smile. Of course, the frog couldn't resist his hormones and started flirting with the poor woman. Good that Alfred only looked at certain areas.
Oh, God help me... I have a retarded as my potential friend and Alfred.
"What're you doing this weekend?" Asked Francis and it took me a while to realise he was talking to me.
"Nothing of your concern." I said rather cold.
Alfred tugged me from under the table and gave me the 'what's wrong with you?' look. I just shrugged and pulled out my phone. I started playing a game that I randomly installed and began drifting out of everybody's conversation. Suddenly I felt sharp pain on the side of my leg and turned around to see Lily pinching me.
"What was that for?" I asked and rubbed my leg.
"You should pay more attention to us." The young girl from Liechtenstein said, her short blonde hair bouncing on her shoulder. She adjusted the pale green ribbon she received from her brother and then started talking to Ludwig, a distant relative of hers. Lily giggled and looked at me with her bright green eyes. I pretended to laugh and then I returned to my game.
"So...what would you like to be once you graduate?" Asked Francis and looked at me with his blue eyes.
The same eyes I want to stab.
"Why do you care?" I asked and tilted my head to the side, my eyes narrowed. I saw a smirk form on the frog's face and almost a silent laugh came out of his throat.
"Oh, just wondering what those pretty hand of yours can do?" He said and gave me a seductive look.
Shivers came down my spine and I swear I saw Alfred clench his fists before he laughed awkwardly and answered his question instead of me.
"Well, he's really good at doing tea!" He exclaimed and proving his point he drank from the tea I just ordered separately so I can do it on my own.
What is that idiot doing? He doesn't like tea!
"I see." Francis said and smiled." If you even open a teashop, be sure to invite me first."
I dont know what's wrong exactly, but I believe that I can almost touch the tension that's building up between those two.
"Hey, Alf-....!!?"
Suddenly, Alfred's lips went crashing into mine, his eyes glaring at Francis as if telling him I'm his property.
"What the bloody hell was that, you wanker!" I pushed him off and stood on my feet. I slapped him hard on the face before running out of the café. Good that it was a small one and there were no body that I knew of.
Anger suddenly filled me, but also..


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