England x Japan (yet another ship that I don't know what's its name) PART 1

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UglyLittleDuckling uhuuum, this is for you and don't be a total grammar nazi.
As I was getting ready for the party, my friend told me that we would have a special guest from England. At first I didn't approve, but today was my birthday , so I just made it slide. As I was looking at the mirror at the other side of the room, I was shocked at how different I looked.
I was dressed as a woman with a short colorful kimono with a red belt. My makeup was the usual for a gisha - snow white skin and bloodshot lips. My hair pin was adjusted at one side of my head. It was decorated with multiple flowers and two sticks that were crossed in the middle of the hair pin, sakura petals hanging from them.
I looked at my pale legs and frowned at how skinny and fragile they looked, not the type for a man that fought multiple wars in the past.
I sighed as I was existing my room and entering the grand hall, where my birthday was held. As I opened the doors, I was hit by a cold breeze, but I was soon used to it as I was welcoming more guests.
I was amused by the many people that showed up to this messed up cross-gender costume party. I wasn't practically fond by the idea that every 10 years, I had to have this kind of birthday. It was akward the first time, fun in the middle and now it was just...boring.
"When will the foreign guest come?" Asked one of my many friends. I could clearly see who it was. Her costume wasn't very nice, it was clear that she was a middle aged woman in a ninja outfit.
"I don't have any knowledge if his arrival, do you?" I asked and took a cup of sake from the nearby table.
"I wouldn't have asked you if I knew, would I?" She said and raised one of her eyebrows mockingly.
"Very funny Hinami, but I don't want any jokes now."
"Well, obviously by the looks of you, you're enough a joke as it is." She said and patted my shoulder as she was passing by me. "I have a feeling that the English gentleman will be arriving soon, so be prepared." At first she a humorous tone to her voice but it was replaced by a deadly one by the end.
"I know, I am an easy target like this, so I will be even more careful now." I said and put the empty cup down. "Do you think that I'll be free someday..., from this curse, you know?"
"We're at war, Kiku, and that curse of yours, it's our hope of defeating our enemies." She said and I felt her presence disappear.
Great, now I was left alone to meet some English man. In my head, I had the image of a man in a black suit. Well, that's the only thing that comes to my head, because that's how foreign people come to me.
I turned around and started to walk towards the entrance of my so-called temple. Some people consider me somewhat of a god, so they build this huge temple for me. Even with all the servents, life becomes lonesome without sharing it with somebody. If I ever get too attached to a normal person, then I have to deal with the pain of loosing them.
I leaned against the wall and let out a loud sigh.
"Bored, aren't we?" Said a deep male voice with a strange accent. I looked next to me, and there was a man, or probably a woman, with strange black clothing and a gigantic hat on their fair head. The person's eyes were green as grass and they were almost hidden underneath bushy eyebrows. The woman that probably is in this male costume looked at me with confusion and then spoke to me again. "Do you understand me?" She said and then it clicked. I hadn't realised it before, but she wad speaking in English, which means that 'she' is acually a 'he' and that 'he' is a pirate, the ones that I always read about.
"Yes, I understand you perfectry." I said and found out it wad amusingly hard to say the L sound.
"Oh, great. Most people didn't know what I was saying." He said and chuckled.
"Because they do not know Engrish."
"I figured that out." He said and raised his eyebrow at me. "Where did a fine young lady like you study English? "
I was confused at first, but then my whole face turned red when he mistook me for a woman.
"I know it from a rong time, but I'm not a-"
"Oh, you're the English man?" Jumped right between us Hinami and cut me off in the middle of my explanation.
"Yeah, it's me. And yet anothet one that speaks English." The pirate said and shook Hinami's hand "Nice to meet you."
"I like your costume." She said and patted him on his shoulder.
"This is not a costume." The man said and looked at me confused.
"What? Aren't you here for the festival?"
"Yeah, I was invited to some party, but it wasn't written it would be a costume one."
"No problem, your clothing can pass as a costume."Hinami said and laughed but soon stoped when the man narrowed his eyes at her.
"Are you saying that my clothing are a joke?" The man was beginning to feel angry, so I tried to save the moment.
"What she wanted to say is that your croths rook just fine, at least you don't look ridiculous like me." I tried to say it as much as enthusiastic as I can.
"Ney, you look just fine, I even thought you were a real geisha!" He said with a grin on his face.
"I'm a m-"
"See sister, I told you, you look fine!" Said Hinami and when I tried to protest, she pinched my arm.
"Your sister is right, both of you ladies look gorgeous." The pirate said and gave me a longing look before he left.
"What the hell was that for?"I whispered loudly to Hinami.
"Don't you see? This guy can be our door to the outside world! Just play along and be as feminine as you can." She said and pinched me again before she left.
"Great!" I sighed again and sat on the wooden porch, watching as my guests slowly began to fade before my eyes.
The next couple of days were horrible. They made the man, who apparently was called Arthur, sleep ar the temple and I was made to wear girly cloths until he leaves.
Of course I stumbled along the way! Once, when I tried to serve him tea, I tripped and fell flat on my face. Arthur did help me, but right after he stopped laughing. I was so angry with him that day that I just left the room as it is with the broken glass and went straight to the garden. It was the last stages of spring and the sakura petals covered the ground and they were still once hanging on the trees. Suddenly I felt two strong hands around me. I didn't scream or punch. I could feel them protect me, so I left it be. Then I head a soft mumble and two leps pressing againt the back on my head.
I knew who it was, but I didn't have the courage to push him away, to reveal that I am a man. I was afraid that I would ruin the moment, it was just too perfect.
"I'm leaving soon." Arthur said and I turned around to see a sad face on his head.
"Stay." I said, not thinking what was I saying.
"I can't. People need me back in England. " He said and held my head between his hands. "Don't worry, I feel as if we will meet again."
"When?" I asked, already feeling the hole, that 'again' will never be come.
"Soon." He said with a smile and kissed me softly on my lips and then left, leaving me broken.
Many years passed, and I know that for humans, the time that I felt was years, for them it wad decades. Hinami already had passed away, leaving her granddaughter,Miku, to my care.
The 'again' that the pirate promised me, never came to be. I was left broken a couple of years, but then I pushed myself up and started a new, until one day...

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