The destiny meeting.

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 Zaira's p.o.v.

I woke up groggy in the morning. I was used to sleep everywhere, so I wasn't that beat up. I took my bag over one of my shoulders and walked around in the city. I got a little surprised. The night I arrived here, I was too sleepy to even care where I was or where I was going. However now it was daylight, the city was full of life. Second of all it was more high tech than the rest of the cities I had been to. It was even more clean. I walked around and was thinking on how I should get my breakfast, when a robot walked over my path and took some of the trash from the streets. I think they were called litterbots. I was almost drooling when I saw two apples on the streets. It had some holes in it, but it was still food. However, of course the Litterbots walked over to the apples and said "Trash identify" opened it's mouth and ate it. I was furious. I grabbed the litterbot and was in a intensive fight with it.

"That was my food!" I scream and hit the litterbot on its head. It was circling around and was screaming "Error, Error!". I should give it Error! I forced my way into it mouth and almost had the apples, when suddenly a big guy on a skateboard hit me by accident. He hit the litterbot as well, and it was circling around again. I swinging around as well with my arm stuck in it's mouth. Suddenly I could hear a voice yell:

"Ah stupid Bronk! I will win the race!" and suddenly a boy was running down from the stairs, and of course he slammed into me and the litterbot.

Trash, me, the litterbot and the boy flew through the air. I fell down on my back and hit the ground pretty hard. I could hear a scream, and a minute later, the boy landed on my stomach. I felt all air being shot out of my body for a minute. However, I noticed that the boy was lying on top of me, with his chest at my stomach and his head hanging to one of the sides of me. I also noticed the two apples a little away from me. YES, I thought. However the boy was still lying on me. He sounded like he was a little confused and dizzy. This was kind of embarrassing.

"Um that stupid Bronk" the boy said and was half awake by now "I will get you for that!". I sighed a little.

"Hey move kiddo!" I said angry "You are lying on top of me!".

"Hu?!" He said and then he noticed me. He got up pretty fast and was totally red in the face. I got up on my feet's too.

"Um sorry" He apologized before we were suddenly surrounded by a lot of litterbots.

They were collecting the trash around here. I noticed they had taken the boys dueling deck as well. I didn't have a deck. However, I steal a duel gazer and a disk a few weeks ago. Again not proud of that at all. The bots also took my food. The boy looked really shocked at the litterbugs. So did I.

"Hey give me my cards back!" He yelled.

"Hey that's my food!" I yelled. We had said that at the same time.

The bots, and the boy stopped suddenly up. The boy was in a awkward position, by trying to grab as many cards as possible. However, now he was just looking at me.

"Um you eat from the trash can?" He asked confused. I turned a little red.

"Um of course not" I lied "However, when you slammed into me my lunch got into the litterbots mouth!". Not the best cover story, but the boy believed me.

"Um sorry about that" he once again apologised before he continued his fight with the litterbots, who was calling his deck dueling trash.

I was laughing inside, but I did help getting his cards back, and at the same time got the apples back into my bag without he noticing. At last we were finished and the boy smiled, when he had his precious deck back.

"Um thank you... um what is your name actually?" the boy asked.

"Zaira" I said "Um what is yours?". He looked at me and shook my hand.

Book 1. Changes for good or worse?! A Yugioh Zexal story.Where stories live. Discover now