My second meeting with the Number hunter. Shark vs. Kite.

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Normal p.o.v.

The day passes. Zaira, Yuma and the others, continued there daily lives. They found a litterbot some days ago, and decided to keep it. With the help of Zaira and Astral it was up and running pretty well. Yuma accidently gave it the name Lillybot (because it was a girl) and Lillybot was so happy that it decided to be Yuma's and Zaira's best friend. (Zaira since she fixed her) However first they had to save her though from a criminal, who apparently used these liter bots to steal thing around the city. The corps luckily caught him and Lillybot stayed with Yuma's family. It was helping grandma with stuff.

Kite's p.o.v.

"Here you go Hart. Hot chocolate. You love this stuff" Kite said and was holding a cup towards him.

They were at a cottage, somewhere out on some grass field. Hart was lying on lounger outside looking up in the sky.

"Where are we?" said the little boy Hart. Kite smiled and padding Hart's hair.

"Don't you remember? This it the cottage where we grew up together" Kite said "When we were younger". Hart looked at him and then up in the sky again.

"I don't remember" He said slowly "I don't remember anything". Kite sighed.

"But I remember how much happier you were back then" Kite said and smiled "However then everything changed. You changed Hart".

Kite was about to say something more, when the cottage disappeared. Apparently it had been a hologram all along. They were at the top of Heartland tower. In that room, who belonged to Hart. His little brother. A sound from a really high tech elevator, was activated now. Kite could hear and knew the sound all too well. It was the elevator to Hart's room. A minute after a man suddenly appeared. Like he just appeared out of the blue, but Kite knew the elevator just wasn't visible. The man was dressed in a blue/green mixed colored suit, had glasses and short blue hair. Kite knew him as Mr. Heartland. He looked at the two brothers and smirked evilly. Kite never liked that man.

"I am sorry to interrupt your reunion, but Hart has work to do" He said and smiled a fake smile. Kite clenched his fists a little.

"Hart is not well. He needs to rest" Kite said. Mr. Heartland only smiled.

"But Dr. Faker ordered Hart to begin work immediately" Mr. Heartland said.

"He won't!" yelled Kite angry.

However Hart pushed him aside and shook his head. He told Kite that he was the only one with the power to save their world. Heartland smirked and walked over to the glowing spot in the floor where the elevator was. When they were about to leave, Mr. Heartland turned around and looked at Kite.

"As for you Kite. Maybe you should also go back to work. These numbers are not gonna gather itself you know" Heartland said and smirked "You do want your brother to get better, don't you Kite?". Kite nodded. Mr. Heartland smiled and left with Hart. Kite sneered and began leaving.

Time skip.

Kite was at one of Heartland's facilities, owned by Mr. Heartland of course. Kite used this place as his laboratorium. He used it to study and keep his science stuff here as well. It was a little away from his home, who was at Heartland tower, however it only took some minutes for Kite to walk over there. Mr. Heartland and Dr. Faker knew nothing about that he used this place for his number research and lab. This place was also hidden for the public. There were not many people who knew about this place. Secondly the security was pretty tight as well. Kite walked in at a door to the computer room and in some way his office. There was a giant research computer in here. He had left his robot, Orbital 7, here to finish a number report about all the numbers he had collected so far, but when Kite walked into the office, he found Orbital snoozing at the computer. Kite sneered a little.

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