Sharks, goons and numbers.

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Zaira's p.o.v

The days goes on. It had been sometimes since I have seen Yuma, Astral or the other people for that matter, but hey I had been busy. I was really busy with..

"Get her!" yelled someone from somewhere. Yep! I think you have figured out what I was busy with. Running, Surviving, Living, and yes I was still stealing and I was catching a name in the city. Luckily not by the police, but from all the different gangs in the city. This time I had chosen a gang called "The pack". Stupid name if you ask me, but nevertheless, it was a gang with a temperamental leader called Scorch, and his vice officer Chills. They were having their hideout in an old accade. However, now they were after me. I had stolen some food, and stuff from them. I was of course discussed like always. I hit in one of the dark alleys and waited for them to leave this area. I was smiling. There were no one who could find me, if they were as stupid as the other gangs. I was grinning inside.

"Found you" said a voice suddenly. I got surprised up on my feets. Someone approached me. I was kind of hoping that I didn't engage in some battle. I didn't like to hurt someone, but it couldn't be helped. I attacked the one who approached me. I was hitting him/her with a straight punch, however my hand got caught. I was surprised. It was the first time someone had stopped my punch. It was a skilled opponent I was standing in front of.

"My, my, You are pretty fast there" said the voice and walked out of the shadows. I gulped a little. It was Shark. Luckily, I was hiding my face under a hoodie, so Shark didn't know who I was yet. So that's why I couldn't hit him, he had seen my moves before, that time when I slapped him. I sighed inside.

"So who are you? Why are you stealing from us?" He said. I bit myself in the lip. Just great! So Shark was member of this gang. Figures. He was squeezing my hand tight, and locked it, so I couldn't run away. I was in quite some mess, if I didn't defeat him before his friends return, I was in some serious trouble. In Shark's case, he had the all the time he needed, and therefore waited for my move. Or so I thought. Suddenly, he had pushed me towards the wall. I got totally surprised and didn't defend myself at all. Now I was in a big kind of mess. Shark had the upper hand now. He was smiling.

"So let's see who you are" He said "I want to see your face, before I turn you over to Scorch".

He removed my hoody. I had closed my one eye. The other one was staring at Shark. My heart beat a little fast, and I was thinking "I am done for" inside my mind. Shark was staring a me to, for some minutes.

"You're that girl from before" He said "The one who slapped me". I didn't say anything. What should I say? Yes I did slap him? That wouldn't change anything.

"I thought you were friends to that dork to Yuma" Shark mumbled "Does he know you are actually a thief?". Shark was smirking now. He had a pretty good grip at me.

"No" I answered "He doesn't know. And I am not his friend. He just decided that. We only meet that day". Shark snort a little.

"Oh yeah, like I should believe that, you slapped me on the cheek" He said in an angry tone and touched mine slowly "Maybe I should hit you too". I sighed a little.

"I only did that because you were a bully" I said honest "I hate bullies".

Shark looked at me. Suddenly I could hear footsteps. Shark could hear them too. I sighed inside. I was doomed. Suddenly, Shark let me go. He had turned his back towards me.

"Hide" He said "Inside the shadows, and stay there. You owe me big time". I looked surprised at him and did as he told me.

"Hey Shark" said one of the members "Seen the girl?". I was holding my breath.

Book 1. Changes for good or worse?! A Yugioh Zexal story.Where stories live. Discover now