Kite has a brother? Zaira's meeting with Hart.

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Yuma's p.o.v.

Yuma was lying in his hammock at the hems. It was nightfall, but he couldn't sleep. He was looking out at the window at the beautiful moon and stars who was shown in the sky. There were no clouds and if it had been any other night, Yuma would be thrilled over this beautiful scenery. However he wasn't.

"Zaira, Astral" He mumbled to himself. It was the first night without Astral and now adopted sister Zaira, and he was missing them a lot. Caswell told them he had a plan and that they should meet after school in the classroom. However until then they had to go home and pretend everything was normal. Yuma had lied a little to grandma and Kairi about Zaira. He told them she was at Shark's place, mostly because Shark was living by himself and had no parents to check up on him, even though he was at the hospital. Kairi hadn't gotten the news on his condition yet, but it was only a matter of time. Yuma hoped he had gotten Zaira home by that time. However when he told Grandma that lie, Haru had frowned a little, like she hadn't believed his story at all, but luckily Grandma didn't call the police or anything like that. Maybe she thought Yuma and Zaira could handle it, whoever the problem was, and Yuma was glad she did. His grandma was so sweet. Yuma looked up at the moon again.

"Don't worry Sis. Don't worry Astral, I will bring you both home, together with Shark's soul of course" Yuma said and clenched his fist a little "I am so feeling the flow on this one". Then he finally fell asleep again.

Zaira's p.o.v.

I woke up, gasping for air and found out I was in a unfamiliar place, but right now I really didn't care. I had this strange dream.

"Yuma" I whispered and grabbed my head. Not sure about what I had dreamed actually, but Yuma had definitely been in there. Then I looked around.

"Where.. where am I?" I questioned. I was not sure where I was, but I knew I was in some kind of bed. Suddenly a little light was glowing near me. It was not to bright, but not to dark either. It resembled a flashlight actually.

"Ah you are awake" said a voice "Master Kite is going to be glad to hear that, then I can leave your side soon Zaira". I was a little confused.

"Orbital 7 is that you? Where am I? Why is it so dark here?" I asked. Orbital sighed.

"Ah yes you were out cold when Master Kite brought you back, we are back in your room, wait I will make some light in here, forgot you are not a robot" He said and I could hear something moving and then the light in the room went on. I closed my eyes because of the sudden light, but when I a minute later opened then, I saw Orbital beside my bed in my room at Heartland tower. I was really confused.

"Orbital 7 what are you doing here? Why am I back here? I thought I was at Kite's lab and then.." I was rubbing my head "I remember nothing". Orbital sighed deeply.

"Master Kite told me you properly wouldn't. Yes we were at the lab, you went out cold after the experiment, and after hours were my master and I researched the key a little, we decided to call it a day. He took you with us, when he left the lab. You sleepted so tightly, we properly could drop a bomb and you wouldn't wake up" the robot told me "He brought you in here and made me guard you until you woke up. He said you would wake up in a unusual time of the day, and my master was correct like always". I looked surprised at him. I hadn't even notice all that. I looked quickly around. Had Kite taken Cy? I hoped he hadn't.

"Cy!" I yelled "Cy where are you?". I could feel a little wind around me and the number card appeared in my hand. Then Cy in mini spirit form appeared on my bed.

"Yes Mistress, I am here. You called?" It said and tilted it's head. I sighed relived. Since I couldn't touch Cy directly I decided to hug it's card instead.

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